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haku 08-11-2004 22:06

So except for coolasfcuk, nobody has an opinion about Agathe de la Boulaye? I am disappointed, lol, i thought she was a good candidate, she looks quite convincing in the caps of the lesbian movie, damn :gigi:


Originally Posted by sunwalk
Dorothee of course Haku...
But you might be a baby "with brain" and not watching her.

I forgot to answer to that...
Yeah, i watched Dorothee's shows as a kid, for the cartoons :gigi: but her i didn't like, she has always annoyed me.
I didn't know she was gay, and i didn't know she lived with Mylene Farmer, i'm so out of the loop, lol, one more proof that i haven't got a clue, i've watched Dorothee countless times and i never suspected anything... I'm so blind, lol, no wonder i got fooled by Tatu so easily, silly me.

nath 09-11-2004 07:05

I don't know about Agathe, Haku...never seen her moving ...
I don't know her but I feel her as a good actress, is she ?
So , about our subject, I would say...." She could be, she has all the characteristics ...but I think she isn't".... If the person who took the picture on the website is a man, I'm think she isn't gay...but just a feeling, I don't know really...
About Claire Keim, I don't feel her as gay at all.
Two years ago, she was about to make an album(singing)...I don't know if she made it....

Edit: Just found that : Frédéric Diefenthal (actor in "Taxi") was Claire Keim's partner, in life:

Here , a short extract of a video where Claire Keim sings with Marc Lavoine"Je ne veux qu'elle" (I want her only/ I want just her??") (2.7Mo)

Me, I prefer Marc Lavooiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnneeeeee ! :girl:

KillaQueen 11-11-2004 02:31

OMG, hello, people! Sorry I havent been around, but killa has been busy killing... ahem.. that is... WORKING... right... anyway, WHAT AN INTERESTING SUBJECT!!! :coctail: Chris, hats off to you, girl ! :)

Anyway, reading your posts, they definitely got me thinking:

Pink - some ppl think she is.. but i dunno, i read somewhere she's been kissing that woman Kristanna whatever.. i forgot her other name... she stars in Mortal Kombat or smth... i dont watch it, i just read this thing... but anyway, kissing a person of the same sex doesn't make you gay.. as we very well know :gigi:

Mark from Westlife - omg, teeny, TOTALLY my guess too! I think this man is gay!

Jodie Foster - gay? now this is something new to me... one of my all time fave actresses... and she is gay? goodies! :)

More recently, i've found out Miranda from 'Sex and the City' has got a g/f... well... who would've knew? married for over a decade and then divorcing and finding herself a woman... saw the pic... she could have picked someone better.. ahem.. :bum:

teeny 11-11-2004 12:58


Originally Posted by KillaQueen
Mark from Westlife - omg, teeny, TOTALLY my guess too! I think this man is gay!

I'm still trying to convince some of the danish fans though. For some reason they find it hard to believe. They all return to the same 4 pictures of him kissing various girls at some party :rolleyes:
With Louis Walsh pulling the strings I guess we won't be proven right until some in the working staff calls up The Sun or so :heh:

Originally Posted by KillaQueen
Jodie Foster - gay? now this is something new to me...

you should read a tabloid once in a while. In Denmark they provide the hints each time she is mentioned.

Unplugged 11-11-2004 16:44

I think Smash!! are gay!

Why would straight guys act so gay? :p

But then, why would straight girls act like lesbians? :dknow:

Life is messed! :lol:

haku 11-11-2004 23:05

Fiona Shaw and Saffron Burrows are a lesbian couple.

teeny 11-11-2004 23:12

:) Of the Troy girls I like Rose Byrne more though.
edit: funny that they mention Brad Pitt as the "hunk" in Troy, when Saffron didn't even have a single scene with Brad durring the movie. While Eric Bana and Orlando Bloom did. Guess mentioning Brad just sells the story better :rolleyes:

PowerPuff Grrl 12-11-2004 17:36

I don't want brag but i am sooooo good at doing this.
As the gaydar test indicated, I was better at guessing guys than girls, so I'll start out by naming some male celebrities:

Definitley hip hop artist DMX
The video for his single Rough Riders, or whatever the hell that crap was, had a lot, and I mean a lot of shirtless guys. Dude was surrounded in shirtless guys. The vid wasn't your average x-number-of-women-having-ass-cramps right-before-your-eyes. The video didn't have one.single.woman.
Just a bunch of guys jumping and yelling and being shirtless. Of course, they were all ripped.
Even if he was trying to get the whole prison environment into his video, whether it was intentional or not, it was still gay.

Something about him, I can't tell what excatly, that makes me almost certain that he is gay.

John Travolta;
I won't even bother.

Kevin Spacey;
See John Travolta.

Other metionables before I go.:
Alicia Keyes, Eve, Tom Cruise, Ricky Martin (really, there is no question), Matt Damon, etc.

forre 12-11-2004 18:03


Originally Posted by KillaQueen
Jodie Foster - gay? now this is something new to me... one of my all time fave actresses... and she is gay? goodies! :)

Is it a joke or what? Jodie Foster is an openly lesbian actress. Half of the world knows that. Two kiddies and a girlfriend, who is her agent too. They've been living together for years now.

Welcome back, Killa! Good to see you here, as always. :rose:

nath 12-11-2004 18:45

Think John Travolta is bi...He had an adventure with Gérard Depardieu , a long time ago.

teeny 13-11-2004 00:21

Kevin Spacey had a few pictures taken at some beach with some guy in his mid twenties or so.. the guy that is. Think it was just around the release of American Beauty. Danish tabloids :heh:
Oh and we had the story Pat posted about Saffron in Danish tabloids today. Almost completely the same story even though the focus was changed since few danes knows about Saffron it seems. They said the story was from norwegian Aftonbladet btw. Didn't even know Norway had Aftonbladet aswell..

nath 14-11-2004 20:50

Patricia Cornwell is , I think.

volkotina 14-11-2004 23:30

Britty's brother had a chance to become acquainted, while working and attending school in Virginia, with Patricia Cornwell and from everything he knew, she is a fairly "out" lesbian. Maybe not "out" throughout the country or world, but "out" in her hometown area.

Oh, and as for Angelina Jolie, it is possible she says she is bisexual to be "fashionable," but she definitely has not jumped on any recent bandwagon. While filming the movie "Foxfire," she met model/actress Jenny Shimizu and eventually had a relationship with her. Now, maybe she is being insincere when she says that today she is open to meeting a woman and falling in love with her...but her past history, unlike so many other self-proclaimed bisexual actresses, does seem to reflect this possibility. Actually, here is an article on her that goes over how she is a bit different from others in Hollywood:

To add to that, she is a Gemini and it's been said that there are more homosexual and bisexual people who are born under this sign. I am not saying it's a fact or that every Gemini is, but in my experience as well, I have known more gay, lesbian, and bi individuals that are Geminis (including myself) than any other sign.

Anyway, somebody for me to add to the ? list: Naomi Watts (and no, not because of Mullholland Drive :) )

Bitty2002 15-11-2004 00:27

Oh oh, Nicole Kidman with Naomi Watts....and Heath Ledger with Martin Henderson! Caterfly and I have an entire conspiracy theory about these crazies, lol, we have fun.

It is sort of a game we play on a regular basis. We have been following Naomi and Nicole's "friendship" for awhile now, and find it very interesting. For one, Nicole has been with Tom Cruise, can I say A-sexual (don't taint my wand boy- according to his ex-wife Mimi Rogers). His relationship with Cruz was rumored to be an arrangement for 3 years...oddly enough, 3 years later they break up, hmmmmm.

And when does Nicole or Naomi or just the press NOT mention the other?? You see, sometimes, when people interview them, they ask about the other, almost with a little grin, like ha, we know and we are going to make you talk about it. Nicole's been rumored to be seen in gay bars. Oh and when Naomi arrived at the airport for a film festival, she just happened to get the same limo that had supposedly taken Nicole to the airport. Then she just happened to have the same room as Nicole at the hotel (which had by then been recently vacated by Nicole). Naomi said this during an interview on TV, we saw, so she said it, lol. I find this sooo interesting.

And Naomi's past relationship with Heath was odd. Once there were some rumors (because Heath's in the gay cowboy movie) about Heath, they break up and he suddenly is in the press as after a lot of girls. It just seemed very unlike what I had read about him previously. Sure, he could be sowing wild oats, now that he's a free man again, but...interesting timing.

Now the best part is Martin Henderson (guy from the Ring). He and Heath are friends, in fact it goes way back, like Nicole and Naomi. Heath and Martin lived together in Aus. When Heath came to the states, he convinced Martin to move here and give "acting a try." Now, I am not sure about this, because I may be confusing it with them living in Aus, but I seem to remember reading that Martin lived with Heath in the US for awhile as well.

Now, this is onbviously a conspiracy theory, and we don't take it seriously, well not completely, lol. But we have tons of fun laughing whenever either is mentioned in conjunction with the other. And one of these days, if they all come out of the closet as being gay or bi, we could say, "wow, we were actually right!"

Oh and I can confirm that my brother did indeed know Cornwell. They weren't good friends or anything, but he worked at the coordinator of blood drives for VBS, and she would often do book signings with the drives. He got to know her as well as an aquaintance could. He always talked about her being openly gay, at least she was to him. I never realized until now that there was speculation about it.

KillaQueen 15-11-2004 01:02


Originally Posted by forre
Is it a joke or what? Jodie Foster is an openly lesbian actress. Half of the world knows that. Two kiddies and a girlfriend, who is her agent too. They've been living together for years now.

Welcome back, Killa! Good to see you here, as always. :rose:

No, I'll be damned if I had a clue about this. Do we have a pic of the lovely couple?

Oh thank you, thank you, Olga :coctail:

Now let me think about more gay people... ohhh that gorgeous woman Portia de Rossi.. am i glad she's gay or what ! ;)

oh and how about Charlize Theron? i guess she's not.. but the way she starred along Christina Ricci in Monster.. well.. you just never know.. BUT since i'm talking about her, how about dear old Christina? I reckon she's played in several gay-theme movies and she does look a bit gay if you ask me.

coolasfcuk 15-11-2004 01:56

Blah, i only have 5 mins free, so a short reply for now (until my damn exam is over in couple of days) .....


Originally Posted by Bitty2002
Oh oh, Nicole Kidman with Naomi Watts....and Heath Ledger with Martin Henderson! Caterfly and I have an entire conspiracy theory about these crazies, lol, we have fun.


Bitty and Volkotina, I think we would have FUN developing conspiracy theories thogether :chupa: .... that's exactly why I stareted this thread ....

so ... recently I've had 'doubts' about Nicole Kidman - I mean, having 'flashes' that she might be gay :gigi: .... and now i REALLY like your theory ... because after I saw '21 Grams' (which I loved by the way) .. I could swear that Naomi Watts WAS gay :cool:

.. and you know, even if they are NOT, dont they just look too perfect together he he ... oh, and I do like how that Nicole quote at that scan can be interpretated.....

and funny: "I like taking YOU, Nicole, as a date know that Heath is onlyl here for the public eyes ...."
"You're so sexy, Naomi ... rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr"
ohhhhhhhh, I like how they hold their pinkeys, isnt is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet

Here they are again, being dates for another awards/premier

oh, and maybe Nicole and Tom couldnt have kids themselves ... but this always comes in handy to support the Nicole-is-Gay theory, that their kids were actually addopted :D

Hi Killa, im glad you are participating in here as well :coctail:

haku 15-11-2004 04:21

Naomi Watts is gay? Argh, no, why, how :cry:

teeny 15-11-2004 11:28

I actually don't even know who Naomi Watts is :lalala:
I should find out right away..

edit: ahh she was in The Ring.. doh..

Bitty2002 15-11-2004 12:32

coolasfcuk- Thanks for the pics! I hadn't seen any of those. Daphne however, said that it was teh Ring premiere that made her start to question their "friendship" because Naomi seemed much more interested in Nicole than Heath. Plus, I don't want to say too much on this, because I haven't gone through all past appearances with both Naomi and Heath, but I always got the vibe their "affections" were forced. It didn't seem natural. Like they'd be a bit distant, see camera, and start fondling. Then again I was looking for that, lol.

But those pics!! Wow, see what mainly went off of was how interesting their comments about each other were. Words like love, always, special, and tons of blushing and being evasive.

They have chemistry, more so than Heath and Naomi, lol.

haku - well that is just in question! SHe oculd be bi or straight. I lean to thinking she's more bi or gay, lol.

As for Angelina Jolie...I would say she is at least bisexual and not for fashion. She was in a valid relationship with a women. She never says her sexuality in an attention getting way. She's always talked about love not being with a specific sex...if she fell in love with a woman, she wouldn't stop it. But I think she is primarily with men and definitely likes men.

As for Charlize Theron, if she's anything, I think she'd be she's bisexual, not gay. The reason I say that is because I think she is truly in love Stuart Townsend, I can see it in their eyes.

teeny 15-11-2004 16:57

after some reading and learning in this thread I decided to do the gaydar test again..
"You scored 65% - You personally got 13 of the 20 people correct and were better at recognizing girls than guys. Overall, you guessed better than 39% of all test takers."
*puts on party hat*

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