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QueenBee 01-02-2004 18:27

nasnedagoniat, aaah the lyrics start to make sense now and seem awesome :laugh: :yes: I think if we knew Russian we would probably get the idea of the lyrics faster, but I think it's hard to translate (I mean, so I've heard) properly.

Haku, LOL you're insane! I like the sex in the limos part though.. I hope that's gonna be part of a video!

Btw, I had the strangest dream last night that you left the forum because you were acting like a girl and got paid 2 million dollars for it! :eek: Yeah, wtf..!!! But please don't ever leave us :gigi:

Lena410 01-02-2004 18:49

well I also came up with an interpretation although the lyrics are kinda strange..:D

I think that it's bout someone dying in a hospital like nasnedogoniat said.
It could be from the dyings pov but also from a relative's..
the sun is stubborn means that although you feel that something that awful happened that everything should stop the sun still rises not caring. Plus in such a situation you always feel alone and left by everybody, which is also described by the people without faces. and the sun-rays into skin is just another way of saying that the sun is still shining. Plus I don't remember ever being in mood for a sunny day when I was depressed.
doesn't mars has something do with accidents? or something like that? *shrugs* I cant say bout that one.

the chorus is someone trying to make the depressed one feel better. Like when its about someone dying than its a friend whose telling him that he wont be in it alone.

the rain and the snow going in the wrong directions in my opinion describe how the person feels like everything is going the wrong way. That nothing is normal anymore. That he doesn't understand the world.
the I have no flaws is in my opinion meant sarcastically. I even looked it up in the dictionary but there the translation was barriers not faults :dknow: I dont know russian well enough. maybe I looked under the wrong word.
And I think line of a dream means something like plot of a dream..thats just part of describing the feeling of being down. and the clocks of the sky are time. Time thats running out.
wind, spring, two lines is a tough one. but doesnt have to wind to change for spring to come? isnt there such a saying? hm..*ponders* well when I read two lines I thought of that thing thats showing ones heartbeat and turns into a line when you die. *shrugs*

I could be far off thought. But interpreting this was way more fun than writing my bookreport. :gigi: :D :p

denial 01-02-2004 19:00

dare2dream28, nasnedagoniat, Lena410,

thank you :rose: .. very pleasant reading .. I was trying to come out with interpretion too .. earlier . but got lost between the words...

and no Haku .. its not about sex .. its about ..Yulia's throat problem .. they have to go in out in out hospital .. :bebebe: ..they just telling us .. but now everything is fine ..just Yulia gets cold she can't scream .. :ill:

haku 01-02-2004 19:31


Originally posted by QueenBee
Btw, I had the strangest dream last night that you left the forum because you were acting like a girl and got paid 2 million dollars for it! :eek: Yeah, wtf..!!! But please don't ever leave us
Don't worry, i'm not going anywhere. :rose:

But that's one strange dream! :D 2 million dollars to act like a girl?! LOL. But i do that for free! :gigi:

QueenBee 01-02-2004 19:43

cniaju, maaaan, those are the greatest lyrics EVER. I like the orgasm part the most! :laugh:

haku, hehe :coctail: Yeah, you're our honorary lesbian... :kwink:

cirrus 01-02-2004 20:27


I overslept and missed out on this fascinating thread...

"clocks of the sky"
"I need snow pants"
"Blinding flashes - sex"

I'm sure it all sounds wonderful in Russian :rolleyes:

zebu 01-02-2004 20:56

i don't know what most of you have against the lyrics, i quite like them. i agree it's so much better then those pop, dance hits lyrics, that's one of the reasons why i don't listen to that kind of music

thegurgi 01-02-2004 21:15


Originally posted by Lena410
doesn't mars has something do with accidents? or something like that?
Yeah, Mars does mean that.

Hrmm... i like that hypothesis, and therefore, i am going to join it.

Maybe it's about Beata... who knows.

Oh, and cniaju, you are a lyrical genius.

Unplugged 01-02-2004 22:57

OK, I created some random lyrics myself :p

Look at your sky
Can you see the fruits?
Give me some of your juice
And we can fly

Blood, mysterious Venus
I invoke you now
I will find you somehow
The clouds are cirrus


Come with me
Feel with me, in the night
You will see,
I can lead you to the light

Come with me
Feel with me, in the night
You will see,
I can lead you to the light

Zen orgasms, whipped cream
Our unique love will last
We share the same dream
Forget about the past

Hidden windows, electric chair
I want to see you
I want to touch you
This is not fair

Air, water, earth, fire
My legs are here
Don't run, don't fear
Feel the lust and desire

Frozen fruits, burning snow
We shall no longer fail
Everywhere we go
Our love will prevail


Come with me
Feel with me, in the night
You will see,
I can lead you to the light

Come with me
Feel with me, in the night
You will see,
I can lead you to the light

(c) StaringElf 2004 :coctail:

Back on topic: I do like the lyrics of that new song, but they're really - REALLY, random :laugh:

Kate 01-02-2004 23:01


they're really - REALLY, random
"Wings of hospitals"? How can anyone possibly make that up intentionally? I can't even think of anything right now that can compare to this...

*needs inspiration*

Unplugged 01-02-2004 23:11


"Wings of hospitals"?
:laugh: But wait, in the russian version it's really "wings" as in "wings of angels" or "wings of birds"? It could be "wings" like areas / units, or a side building?! :hmmm: Well, if in russian the word "wings" is really like "wings" of birds... then YES it's really random and WEIRD :lol:

Kate 01-02-2004 23:12

staringelf, now that you mention it, it can mean "wings" as in side-building... Kinda ruins the fun... :grustno:

QueenBee 01-02-2004 23:14

Aaah bummer! We were having so much fun.. :gigi:

Unplugged 01-02-2004 23:21

LOL oops :gigi:

Well, you can always read my lyrics with zen orgasms, electric chairs and whipped cream :p

taty994945 02-02-2004 01:12

I think you all deserve t-shirts :laugh:

Kate 02-02-2004 08:08

Added the mp3 from Hare. :D Thank you! we love you!!

Download the song here [Thanks to Hare :rose:]: "I Vse Normalno"

It will be very much appreciated if someone will upload the song on their server/ftp, since Hare's site is pretty slow.

denial 02-02-2004 08:34

Thank you Kate for you :rose:

*downloading* ... God this going to be very long ...

*noticed Kate's signature* .. :dead:

Kate 02-02-2004 09:17

denial, haha. :gigi:

By the way, I didn't like the song... there is no melody, and I am not a fan of random word/phrases that have no meaning... or maybe I just don't have time to analyse them...

Anyway, I hope that some of you will like it, Tatu depend on you guys...

denial 02-02-2004 09:21

*notice Kate change signature*

Kate ... are you scared? hahaha..:gigi:

Kate 02-02-2004 09:28

denial, of you being mad at me? yep... :grustno:

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