Unofficial forum of group TATU

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Unplugged 13-02-2004 20:14


Originally posted by QueenBee
people knew very well from the beginning Tatu could be fake (we even told them :gigi: ) but they decided they wanted to keep believing.. And some still do. :rolleyes:
Some still believe in Santa Claus, too. There's just no help for some people. :dknow: :p

Wings of hospitals... Everything's fine

Oh, by the way, I read someone (don't remember who, sorry) saying that t.A.T.u. had a bad image right now... Well, I don't think they have an image at all right now. It's all gone. They're not even doing the "Oh look, a camera! Let's hold hands and do sexy looks!"-trick anymore. Not even the "rebel" image exists anymore, because it was all so premeditated and fake that it's useless to use it now.

thegurgi 13-02-2004 20:37

As for what Queenie said, and what Staring Elf quoted,

That's why i'm glad i never really believed in anyway.

I enjoy the soap operaness of this projet but i need some new material.

I don't care about the swindling, i'm not sick of much of anything yet....

I'd just like to advise people to just keep on their toes and enjoy it all... Mind Games are fun.

RowerB 14-02-2004 10:37


Originally posted by staringelf
Some still believe in Santa Claus, too. There's just no help for some people. :dknow: :
Are you talking about me staringelf?

Anyway, anyone who has seen CD:UK NGGU must realise that Lena loves Yulia.


Originally posted by thegurgi
I don't care about the swindling, i'm not sick of much of anything yet....
I agree.

xena225 14-02-2004 12:57


Shapovalov: Nobody told me about termination of contract with Tatu

Tatu's producer Ivan Shapovalov is not aware of the girls' intention to break the contract with him and his record company Neformat. He told Interfax (info agency) that "the girls did not tell him anything about their wish to break the contract", nor did they complain or claim anything.

When commenting the news that appeared in "Life" newspaper about a judicial firm called "Yacovlem and Partners" representing the girls and currently working on contract termination between Lena Katina, Yulia Volkova, him and his company, Shapovalov said: "If something is happening, I am not aware of it. It only concerns the girls and their relationship with the lawyers. We did receive some documents from lawyers, but I understand little in such things and do not go into details".

According to Shapovalov, Tatu is actively working on creation of the new album: "We have completed 5 songs already. Five more need their vocals to be recorded". We are all awaiting their "vocal period", that is the time when the girls have their voice in the right phase. That is the only thing that is really happening right now."

The producer did not rule out a possibility of a break up in business relationship between him and the group members : "Things can go either way now. I'm ready to face any development". Shapovalov is not ready to answer who will own the brand "Tatu" in case of a "divorce"
Thanks to elf from for the translation! :rose:

And please don't get me wrong, I mean this in a nice way, but I find these discussions about "sex, lies and PR stunts" simply hilarious. Thanks, folks! :rose: And thanks to t.A.T.u. for keeping us so entertained and busy. ;) :done:


Rob 14-02-2004 14:33


Originally posted by thegurgi
I don't care about the swindling, i'm not sick of much of anything yet....

I'd just like to advise people to just keep on their toes and enjoy it all... Mind Games are fun.

Well said. :done:

denial 14-02-2004 14:45

Thanks for the translation Xena225 ... I tried to read that with translator it doesnt work when explaining about the contract status :bum:


Originally posted by xena225
And please don't get me wrong, I mean this in a nice way, but I find these discussions about "sex, lies and PR stunts" simply hilarious.
Oh well .. I am putting my mouth/hand to shut now .. realised just for the sake or argument/discussion ..whatever .. seems like I've already turn Ivan into angel or something (in my head)... which he's not .. I do like the guy and what he done...and it just without him .. there IS no TATU .. even the girls could wear the name again .. but it wont be like we known them before "sex, lies and PR stunts"...huh?. :confused: ..seriously I need to shut.

To those I 'challenged' .. here and in chat .. I am sorry.

nasnedagoniat 14-02-2004 15:24

I agree with thegurgi. It's already know that none of us know the girls personally.(If you do let's talk a bit later ;) ) What people are in love with is the image Ivan had been or still is projecting to us through the media. I'm sure many opinions of the girls would change if they left Ivan and revealed who they really are(If they don't decide to make up new lies). I can't say if this will be for the best or worst though. But neither can anyone else.

Unplugged 14-02-2004 16:05


just without him .. there IS no TATU .. even the girls could wear the name again .. but it wont be like we known them before "sex, lies and PR stunts"...huh?.
denial, I agree.

Personally, I think this is a PR stunt and they're not leaving Ivan.

But if they do, and if they have money to do this, they can hire a new manager and tell them what direction they want to take - whether it is the same with sex PR & scandals or another one. But the girls only themselves with a "normal" manager without crazy ideas... I doubt they'll make it.

RowerB 14-02-2004 16:08


Originally posted by denial
To those I 'challenged' .. here and in chat .. I am sorry.
I don’t think you should be sorry denial. You’re one of the good guys.

haku 14-02-2004 16:11


Originally posted by RowerB
I don’t think you should be sorry denial. You’re one of the good guys.
LOL, and who are the "bad guys"? :rolleyes:


Originally posted by nasnedagoniat
What people are in love with is the image Ivan had been or still is projecting to us through the media. I'm sure many opinions of the girls would change if they left Ivan and revealed who they really are(If they don't decide to make up new lies).
Stunt or not, the image is dead anyway. The girls are not even trying to pretend anymore, Yulia drags Pasha everywhere with her, and Lena also has someone (she keeps him a little more in the dark because she's shyer with that kind of thing, not because she wants to keep pretending.)
Whatever they'll do in the future, Ta Lyubit Tu has definitely ended, the girls want to do something new.

QueenBee 14-02-2004 16:19

I wonder too.. wouldn't surprise me if I'm one of them! Haha :gigi:

bpro50 14-02-2004 16:24

"According to Shapovalov, Tatu is actively working on creation of the new album: "We have completed 5 songs already. Five more need their vocals to be recorded".

If it is true that the girls already have 5 songs recorded and there are 5 more ready, then I don't understand the timing of contract severence. Seems to me that the basis of the contract dispute is the problem with Ivan pursuing "scandals" instead of producing songs. That seems to contradict the current situation, if you believe Shap and the quote above. If they are on the verge of having 10 songs and a new album, I hope that they don't delay the production by filing a lawsuit. It just doesn't make sense. I vote that they postpone any and everything that interferes with the production of the album and, after the music is produced, then return to the lies, scandals, and deceipt!

haku 14-02-2004 16:33


Originally posted by bpro50
If it is true that the girls already have 5 songs recorded and there are 5 more ready, then I don't understand the timing of contract severence.
The material recorded could be precisely the reason why Y&L decided to break the contract now.

Remember that Y&L don't have anything to do with the writing of the songs, they arrive at the studio to record and discover the material at that moment.

Maybe they realized that the material was not good at all and that it was going to be a huge flop, and deciced it was time to get out of here.

Also possible, the image! Maybe Ivan wants them to keep the image, and they disagree with that.

In any case, i don't agree with you that they should record at all cost, regardless of the quality of the material. If Y&L think that the material is no good and don't want to finish recording with Ivan, good for them. No album is better than a crap album.

I prefer them to look for a new team and record a new good album, which fits with what the girls *themselves* want to be from now on.

Rob 14-02-2004 16:37

What I want is a tATu-album.

Not more to say.

haku 14-02-2004 16:45


Originally posted by Rob
What I want is a tATu-album.
Well, if Ivan has chosen a bunch of songs that perpetuate "the image" and that the girls don't wanna go in that direction anymore, no one can force them to continue to pretend if they no longer feel like it. They are too old for that now.

Rob 14-02-2004 16:51

I didn't say anything about the "image".

denial 14-02-2004 17:38

RowerB, thank you .. :gigi: .. well ... *shut* :none:

For you :rose:

bpro50 14-02-2004 18:14

If Tatu has made an assessment that the quality is really poor then I agree that it makes good sense "not" to go forward. I guess I just can't imagine the final cuts from the five songs already recorded being poor quality. Anyway, I think the image is perpetuated primarily through the mediium of video and stage performance so I don't think that the content of the songs will determine the *image*. I would just love to hear a new album, especially if it has good quality music. Notwithstanding, you can bet that the five songs that have already been recorded are in Russian. I wonder if Ivan is thinking about the next five being the same songs in English. That would be neat!!!

haku 14-02-2004 18:47


Originally posted by bpro50
I would just love to hear a new album
Well, imagine how the Russians feel. The first album was released in 2000 there! :D


I wonder if Ivan is thinking about the next five being the same songs in English. That would be neat!!!
Everything is in Russian, there is no plan for an English version at the moment. (Lena said "maybe" in the future during the chat)

Besides, they *can't* come back in the west with only 5 songs! Can you imagine the media's reaction if they came back with a 5 songs album! :spy:

cirrus 14-02-2004 19:37


Originally posted by haku
Maybe they realized that the material was not good at all and that it was going to be a huge flop, and deciced it was time to get out of here.

Also possible, the image! Maybe Ivan wants them to keep the image, and they disagree with that.

In any case, i don't agree with you that they should record at all cost, regardless of the quality of the material. If Y&L think that the material is no good and don't want to finish recording with Ivan, good for them. No album is better than a crap album.

I prefer them to look for a new team and record a new good album, which fits with what the girls *themselves* want to be from now on.
I agree fully with you haku. No one, including the girls themselves, want a really crap album on an image that is totally a lie. There's no fun in pretending anymore.

But I also feel that, maybe, it's unfair for Tatu to quit... considering, according to business terms, they signed a deal and now they wish to break because it no longer appeals to them. But, once you figure in Shap's management into the equation, and think about all the bad things that have happened to Tatu, I think they can justify their departure.

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