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Argos 13-03-2012 20:38

I can't believe that the Greek selection was just a match between those 4 cackling chicken acts! You would think that the crisis frees creative forces, but it seems that this is the first thing which went down the river. :bum:

spyretto 14-03-2012 07:14

Forget the Greeks, they're a lost cause.
Turkey sending anything "good" this year?

fanoff 15-03-2012 00:05


Originally Posted by spyretto (Post 397447)
Turkey sending anything "good" this year?

we are sending this. not very suitable with my taste

spyretto 19-03-2012 10:14

LMAO, Ireland are sending Jedward again :lol:
The boys can't sing and they're talentless attention-seekers, they'd do anything for airtime... after this and Lena last year I would consider making it as a rule that the same "artists" can't compete in consecutive years...this song is even worse than last year's song. Hopefully when they realise they can't win this one they give up and do something else...give us some breathing space.


The Turkish song sounds more like a Serbian song - ahem it's a bit of a mess
still better than Jedward

oh well, anything that you liked so far?

I heard a preview of the songs now, I'd like to listen to the French and Italian songs in full. Anggun, isn't it the same girl who had a world music hit a few years back? Snow on Sahara? The French must be desperate to get some recognition but the big names they've send so far have failed miserably.
The Cyprus song is probably better than the Greek one. Same difference.

Lots of terrible songs from Eastern Europe so far, no originality whatsoever, just like the crap the West has been sending for years. It looks like they're getting tired of Eurovision too.
The problem with that is that the Eastern bloc is sending terrible songs now but they will still vote for them. That will possibly leave us with another terrible song as a winner, unless they find a decent song to unite behind.

spyretto 19-03-2012 11:09

Ok, maybe the Turkish song is not my style thiis year either but I like how the Turks are always willing to introduce experimental styles of their music to the Eurovision audience - and they're doing it again this year - something that the Greeks are always unwilling to do, so they send the same song over and over and over.

I think Turkey has approached the ESC with an open mind in recent years hence their success at the contest. Chapeau.

Then again I always think that this contest is something important for music, whereas in fact it's just a circus parade...I'm so deluded.

fanoff 19-03-2012 21:55

Sweden is the hot favourite. The song is called Euphoria.

spyretto 20-03-2012 14:33

Sweden is always overrated :p

Is it as good as this classic though :D

where is Verka Serduchka when you need her

fanoff 20-03-2012 16:19

Yeah this is the first Swedish entry that I actually like:)

Argos 20-03-2012 17:24


Originally Posted by spyretto (Post 397469) good as this classic though :D

Alf Poier was the last intellectual who performed at the ESC (probably the first as well). You will likely never see such an entry again. Spoofing the whole spectacle he prepared for a zero-points party at home. To his dismay Europe loved this. In memory of this eco-bio song from 2003...

Some animals have wings,
And others have fins.
Some lie outdoors
And others in tins.

Poetic... :love:

spyretto 23-03-2012 23:13

I do appreciate Alf Poier now, though not at the time, i have to admit...I still don't get those Lithuanians though.

spyretto 24-04-2012 10:18

I think this year will be better than last year...hopefully. I like a few songs already, Iceland, Sweden and Cyprus to name but a few.

fanoff 21-05-2012 18:43

OMG the week we all waited for has come already! It's the first semi final tomorrow. Take your picks who will make it to the final :)

sakuya 21-05-2012 19:56

Nowdays I just watch eurovision because of grams comments

spyretto 22-05-2012 19:23

I saw the Cyprus rehearsals and to me it looks like 1.40 on Cyprus to qualify is a safe bet but no-one can be certain when partisan fools are voting.

Who's watching?

Argos 22-05-2012 19:44

Among the many violations of human rights committed in Azerbajdzhan there will be a new dimension of cruelty - the Eurovision Song Contest. :D

Preparing to record...

spyretto 22-05-2012 19:48

It's curious though, what would stop the disgusting turd sent by Russia this year from finishing last if it was sent, say, by Austria or Switzerland? nothing in my opinion.

Move it a couple of thousand miles to the East and they're almost favourites to win the whole thing.

Argos 22-05-2012 19:53

When it comes to jury voting, maybe they'll not be impressed, but the televoters likely will vote for the most embarrassing songs everywhere. May the worst ones win! :coctail:

spyretto 22-05-2012 19:59

Why so negative, Argos?

I think they're good songs this year, like the UK for example

I'm serious

Argos 22-05-2012 20:02

I don't think that the good songs will win, there are too many Jedwards, Buranovo grannies, Trackshittaz and Co. :rolleyes:

P.S. Not to forget the Montenegro guy ...

spyretto 22-05-2012 20:11

I'd vote for the hapless Montenegro guy to qualify instead of the Jedpunks, I like them that much.

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