Unofficial forum of group TATU

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Unplugged 27-12-2003 18:05


Originally posted by QueenBee
But I wanna be voted for the hottest girl but I don't have my picture up yet. *Cries* Waaaah. :(

Well, then hurry up and get one! :coctail:

EeZeReal 27-12-2003 18:12


but I don't have my picture up yet.
Yes you do...don't tell porkies! :P

QueenBee 27-12-2003 18:17

THEvolkovaADDICT, lol it's gone and it was old.. well not very old but i look different now! so :bebebe: to you! :laugh:

staringelf, nah I don't think I have the time, the awards start pretty soon. Is the picture you posted really of you? 'Cause if it is, you look gooooooooood!

Unplugged 27-12-2003 18:27


Is the picture you posted really of you? 'Cause if it is, you look gooooooooood!
Of course it's really me! And thanks ;)

And, come on Queenie, show us your pic! You're an icon here in the forum, you've caused impact, stop this mystery for once and show us your face! :D

QueenBee 27-12-2003 18:50

staringelf, hah, I deleted my picture completely off my computer and the internet! *Evil laugh* And I don't have any pictures and haven't bought that webcam yet so.. Nyanya! My identity shall remain a secret for EVER! Mwahahaha!

I'm an icon? Caused impact? :10x:

teeny 27-12-2003 19:48

didn't even know there was an Annual Award.. :none:

I'll return with some possible awards if I think of any :heh:
Sounds like fun

Echoed 27-12-2003 20:35

Would Ivan-obsession count if all I want to do is bash his face in with a crowbar? ^.^ Hee.

Ahem. Anyway, yeah, Queenie show us your pic. LOL. (Yeah... I'm not one to talk. SHH!)


shizzo 27-12-2003 21:00

<edged-in comment>

I've seen both Queenie AND Echoed - mwoha. :D

</edged-in comment>

QueenBee 27-12-2003 21:11

cniaju, wow, you must be REALLY proud of yourself. :rolleyes: :kwink:

Anyways, after I get my new haircut I might post pictures, but for five days I need to wake up at 7 (which I NEVER do) just so that I can show mom that I am able to wake up earlier to have time to style my hair (because my new haircut will need alot of hairspray and gel :D). So, don't expect anything the following week. :p

Oh and I've seen you, cniaju, and it wouldn't surprise me if you won this award for hottest guy. :gigi:

Now don't get sad staringelf, you know I love you. :kwink: :heh:

EeZeReal 27-12-2003 22:04


I deleted my picture completely off my computer and the internet! *Evil laugh*
Hee hee... *Cough* I have it saved on my pc :D :p

You never know when it might be needed again! ;)

QueenBee 27-12-2003 22:06

THEvolkovaADDICT, what? WHAAAT!!! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!! :grustno: *Hunt you down and burns computer*

Why did you save my picture? :kwink: :P

Don't EVER show it!!!! EVER! I'll show a pic when I get new haircut.. :p deal? YES!

Oh, by the way, if we get a Most Obsessed with Ivan category I demand to win! He's on my avy :love:

Hey, what about a "Best Yulia-lookalike" and "Best Lena-lookalike" category? But then again, no-one here looks like them.. :grustno:

EeZeReal 27-12-2003 22:09


Why did you save my picture?
Because it took us months to convince you to post one and as it was you I thought I'd save it ;)

Awwww don't worry though, I wont show anyone :lalala: :p

QueenBee 27-12-2003 22:14

*Cries* If you show anyone I promise I'll.. uh.. emm.. leave the forum! That's right!! *Evil stare*

Why don't you nominate yourself for hottest guy? :laugh: Okay, okay, I will nominate you if you promise not to post my picture. :P

EeZeReal 27-12-2003 22:23


*Cries* If you show anyone I promise I'll.. uh.. emm.. leave the forum!
Awwwww come on! It's not as though it was a bad picture :kwink: :p


Why don't you nominate yourself for hottest guy?
LOL...Because I'm not really vain about how I look...I'm vain about everything else, just not that! :laugh:


Okay, okay, I will nominate you if you promise not to post my picture. :P
OK! If you want! :cool: :D

cirrus 27-12-2003 22:37

How about a Lifetime Achievement Award thing. for Forre. We could appreciate her wisdom and experience, since most of us are younger.

QueenBee, I've seen your picture! Mwahahaha :laugh: I won't say where, though. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself...

QueenBee 27-12-2003 23:02

cirrus, I'm not hard on myself, I just don't think that picture turned out good. :D And plus I look different now. :spy: Aaanyways.. I'll post new pictures soon. :lalala:

I think that category idea sounds good! I still haven't thought of any. :/ *Goes to think..again*

Kate 27-12-2003 23:06

cirrus, yeah, appearing on the forum everyday is a Lifetime Achievement for sure! :lol: Sure, give the award to her, as no one else spends so much time here, I think...

QueenBee 27-12-2003 23:14

But we shouldn't nominate people yet, just think of the categories. There shouldn't be just one person that deserves the award, anyway, otherwise it's not very fair.

Some suggestions:
-Most Tatu Obsessed
-Biggest Forum Addict :kwink:
-Best Humor
-Most Changed (Since coming here)
-Best Moderator
-Most Open-Minded
-Best Singer :heh:
-Best Fanfiction-writer
-Best Webdesigner
-Greatest Ideas
-Best Wallpaper maker
-Best picture provider (Tatu pictures)

I will try to think of more. :)

Mossopp 28-12-2003 00:18

How about "Biggest Pessimist"?
I'd win that one hands-down! :laugh:

Kate 28-12-2003 00:26

This is getting way out of my hands. There are so many categories... How are we ever going to organise them?

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