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taty994945 13-09-2003 06:23

damm i wanted to see Echoed, in nasty mode :D

QueenBee 13-09-2003 10:19

Hmm.. change for something better.. Weeeell I am such a perfect person I can't change to anything better :P

Just joking, just joking. But I think my situation is far more complicated than that :P

Hmm.. Well.. I could give up homework for sometime.. :gigi: Is that good enough? :P

taty994945 13-09-2003 11:01

i could aim for 500 posts, but i think it would result in spam so....

freddie 13-09-2003 12:48

A change for the better? Now that's gonna be tough...Queenie stole my words... I'm SO perfect already. :rolleyes:
Anyone have some suggestions?:D

Mossopp 13-09-2003 13:36


Originally posted by darje
Okay. We have a participant, that is, if you're really sure about it, Mossopp. :)

Thanks darje.
I hope I can manage this - no drink for 14 days..... *starts to panic*

guesshoo 13-09-2003 16:16

this sounds like fun.
and it would be very interesting to see TvA give up being a yulia addict (good luck sis. b/c i know i can't do it!)
i wish you the best mossopp and i hope that you succeed.

as far as i am concerned, i would play, but i haven't been here long enough for you guys to get to know me well. maybe in another few weeks i'll give it a shot.

great idea darje!

Mossopp 14-09-2003 21:52


Originally posted by guesshoo
i wish you the best mossopp and i hope that you succeed.
Thank you. If I am gonna do this I'll need some moral support. The longest I have gone without a drink in the past 2 years has been 4 days! The thought of 14 days sober scares the living sh#t outta me!
I'm not gonna do this on my own though. I'm the only volunteer for this contest so far - is noone else gonna take part?

parrish122 15-09-2003 01:05

All right Mossopp...I'll quit smoking if you quit drinking for 14 days.



Lux 15-09-2003 04:34

no smoking! yay! i gave that up as well :lalala: now, only socially

as for mahself..
i'd like to avoid being destructive, and focus on the positive aspects of situations i find myself in, instead of dwelling on the negative things however miniscule they might be. a better attitude? or outlook..*shrugs* i'm rambling again. :rolleyes:

parrish122 15-09-2003 15:04

Day One
Only slightly hostile, even though I haven't had a cigarette since 11:59pm.

But since my life is a comedy routine, of *course* something funny came out of it.

I work from midnight to eight in the morning. I'd gotten to work at about 11:57, and decided to have one last smoke. I told my co-worker Chris to let me know when it was midnight and I'd stop.

He agreed, and kept his eyes on his watch as he talked on the phone. All too soon he said, "It's midnight."

So I took in one last double lungfull of smoke.

He *yells*, "You are still sucking! Stop sucking!"

I start laughing hysterically. Finally, I am able to say, "Chris? You might want to explain to the person you are talking to. That just sounded *so* wrong!"

I could see him mentally replaying what he'd said. Then he groaned, and tried to explain.

I heard him say, "No, it *isn't* what you think. NO! Oh for God's sake! She's a *lesbian*! Yes, I said a *lesbian*. No, she doesn't care who knows." Big pause. "What do you mean, am I sure? I didn't ask to watch!" Another pause. "NO! I'm not going to ask her if *YOU* can watch!"

Then he hung up, kinda ticked off. I just laughed.


kishkash 15-09-2003 15:16

LMAO...u never fail to make me laugh parrish122 :D

good to hear ur holding out on the smokes...ur lungs will thanks you ;)

*try playing soccer again when u've been chain smoking fer a week* the word of choice is OUCH LOL. And the sad part is that im not even really dependant on the shizzer...not like a pack a day or n e thing.

me gots to stop...who even knows y i started in the first place! (the funny thing is that i can't stand how everythig smells afterwards!) :none: :p

Kappa 15-09-2003 17:54

So now we have Parrish and Mossopp. Well, I'll add myself. My change is to work out every afternoon so I go back to having the body I had while I was a TKD sparring champion. ^^ 14 days! I'll document every day, and post it like Fredda.

You also need to do that, Mossopp!

QueenBee 15-09-2003 21:15

I'd love to quit smoking :D
But there's only one problem.. I don't smoke anymore. :rolleyes:

Ooh! OOH! I wanna work out too! My body is a lump of dough... It's like all flibberish.. Like.. *makes noises* blub blub blub.

Ooor I could.. Hmm hmm.. What to do what to do.. Take care of my nails and make them pretty? :heh:

*thinks hard*

kishkash 15-09-2003 21:38


Ooor I could.. Hmm hmm.. What to do what to do.. Take care of my nails and make them pretty?

*thinks hard*
If u bite ur nails...u could stop that! i stopped a long time ago...but then i started to smoke :none: Its a vicious cycle that just won't end (i.e. suck my thumb...bite my nails...smoke) :( Im actually kinda worried to know what i'll move onto if i quite smoking LOL :hmmm:

OR you could vow to give up sweets or somefin like dat! *shurgs* who knows...jsut attempt to stop doing somefin u like :)

QueenBee 15-09-2003 21:55

kishkash, girl! Let me explain something to you... :P There is a candystore right outside the entrance of my school. And you want me to give up sweets?!

But then again, the dude who owns the store sells cigarettes to minors... :smoke: Now, that's what I can an evil cycle.. :rolleyes:

kishkash 15-09-2003 22:02


kishkash, girl! Let me explain something to you... :P There is a candystore right outside the entrance of my school. And you want me to give up sweets?!
What better thing to give up than sweets then! It would make for intersting Journal posts!


QueenBee 15-09-2003 22:06

kishkash, har har true true.. This is what I'm going to do (or so I think): I start eating healthy and working out.. Just become a healthy person for.. what was it? 2 weeks?

Heck, I'll start right away!
Or maybe tomorrow.. :lalala:

Mossopp 15-09-2003 22:12


Originally posted by darje
^^ 14 days! I'll document every day, and post it like Fredda.
You also need to do that, Mossopp!

What? Have we started already?! I'm drunk right now, can I start some other time?
I've just spent the last 3 and a half hours with my friend Kirsty whom I haven't seen in over 4 months...........and I can barely remember one word that we said to each other. That's a reason to quit drinking in itself! I'm such a twat! :bebebe:
I thought we weren't gonna start the contest till we had at least 5 participants! :ithink:

QueenBee 15-09-2003 22:15

Whaaaat? :( But I wanna start tomorrow ('cause I'm free from school and it's such a perfect day to start)!

Lux 15-09-2003 22:42

praise those who are so determined!!

i go to a school where almost all of the people i know party on weekends. the differences lie in how hard they party. some smoke, some drink, some do other stuff...
and it makes it very difficult to *not* do anything at all. the only thing i'm going to try to do is not smoke for a few weeks. it's just gross. and i used to smoke one or a few everyday for two years. since about 5 months ago i've only been smoking when i drink, or one or two a week. that's progress, no?

good luck to everyone!

ps. great thread!;)

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