Unofficial forum of group TATU

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denial 01-02-2004 03:43

cools, well its funny to me .. you know I'll laugh if you get in trouble and or late .. OMG!! its not suppose to be friends .. I'm not suppose to laugh .. why so? LoL LoL ..but you always laugh too!! :bebebe:

Well nothing done today too.. I just woke up and sit here.. at the forum..BAH @ myself :rolleyes: *is planning to do something productive today* ... maybe go buy keyboard and write songs for tatu.. hope to get LENA AUTOGRAPH t-shirt ..


QueenBee 01-02-2004 03:50


hope to get LENA AUTOGRAPH t-shirt
Whoa, you've become a Lena groupie! :p Haha, I hope you get the t-shirt Denial.. Anybody can get it though, I mean, you can just write whatever without it making any sense.. Just look at these lyrics.. :laugh:

denial 01-02-2004 04:14

yes I am trying now ... see..


If I could tell you what I feel
Maybe if wont be this hard

This is earth and this is sky
Mostly I am inbetween

I walk the earth
I fly the sky
I float in time
Snow melting

You are pushing
I'm resisting ... are we in game?
Or you alone..

The parliaments...
The parliaments...


Ya ustala Ya ustala
ya tebya ne hochu
ti menya

haku 01-02-2004 05:05

That's cool denial :D

Ok, i'm trying to win signed underwear there... :P

I am waiting, i am sitting
I keep looking but nothing change
It's cold outside, colder inside
Silence will prevail

I am here, I'm not hiding
Why haven't you found me?
I am here, I'm not hiding
Are you even looking?

I am lying, lights are flashing
I shed water on the sheets
Sharp edges are shining
Soon red will meet dark

I am here, I'm not hiding
Why haven't you found me?
I am here, I'm not hiding
Are you even looking?

Kate 01-02-2004 05:13

haku, not random enough. You should spice it up with lines like:

Flying underware, three pineapples,
Digital faces, keys with noses...

:heh: :laugh: Pretty good, though.

transcend 01-02-2004 05:14

Not bad, Haku, not bad.

QueenBee 01-02-2004 05:27

Guys, you're not supposed to write GOOD lyrics. ;)

katbeidar, I think you have a chance of winning..! :laugh:

spyretto 01-02-2004 06:18

Now seriously that reminds me of Kate's was it? love and fireworks? can't remember

are you contributing any lyrics for Tatu, Kate? :D

Kate 01-02-2004 06:45

spyretto, I applied to be Shapovalov's bride back in the day... now we are very close... and I write lyrics for Tatu... the randomer the better... :gigi: :lol: *Joking*

Here is my early artwork:

I love you, fireworks
Blinding flashes, sex
They don't get us, metal wires
Clip here, clip there

Show me sex, show me sex
Stars are having sex
etc etc

shizzo 01-02-2004 06:55

Mine lyrics be the best!

- - -

Hypotenuse crooked, worlds of pentagons,
Sexy crooked lines, angles without warning,
I trace along edges, Pluto's enigma,
It stretches time for me...

And numbers collide,
Here they come, there they go,
And polygons glide,
To and fro, oh mah Ghod, to and fro!

Primes in my head, distance aloft,
Limits abound, infinite time,
Spirals align, factors aside,
Math, ah! *orgasm*


angeljas01 01-02-2004 07:10

Thanks for the lyrics Kat.

xena225 01-02-2004 12:57

Wow, a new song, interesting lyrics indeed. Thank you, katbeidar. :rose:

Don't become desparate if you don't get the lyrics right away. Takes some effort, I know, but it's worth it in the end. :) tATu are not Britney Spears - I'm sure people understand HER lyrics right away. Allow yourselves to be challenged, it's much more satisfying to have lyrics like this than the usual meaningless drivel. "Nichya" and NVNBNP are quite powerful lyrically as well, and I love that.

A new song! Good times! Everything is fine! ;)


denial 01-02-2004 13:08

xena225, YAY!!! for making my day! for you :rose:

Lena410 01-02-2004 14:27

xena225, thanks for making my day too :rose: cause I kinda like the lyrics. I like it when I don't get them right away. It's too boring if you know what it's about at the first sight of it. :D

nasnedagoniat 01-02-2004 15:58

Agree's with xena225, *hugs* . Maybe it's one of those songs that mean something different for everyone and the same thing at the same time. I know, I know, I just confused myself again.

Love the first two lines of your song Kat!

dare2dream28 01-02-2004 17:51

Okay, so some people are saying that we have to look deeper for the meaning of the words in this haze of lyrics. *grins* Alright, you guys want deep, so here I go. (and please remember, this is all in fun and this is not serious)

Rain from the cars
Rain from the cars is b/c Y&L are shedding tears since we, the "cars" don't believe they are a couple.

Someone's alone
Someone's alone b/c Pasha isn't really dating Yulia so he's all by his lonesome self.

I have no flaws
Well this is obvious...duh the girls are *perfect* in every way.

Line of a dream
Line of a dream...the image is really a dream come true.

Clocks of the sky
Ummm...their love will stand the test of time, they will be together *forever* and when the days comes, they will float up into heaven...together.

Wind, spring, two lines
They are different as wind and spring, so they have two lines (separate personalities), but since they are *together* those lines will eventually cross and are not parallel.

So there you have it. That is my attempt to look 'deeper' into these lyrics.
:gigi: :heh: :lol:

parrish122 01-02-2004 17:54

Ok, I was requested to come and make up some random lyrics. So here goes! :D

Breasts that are punched,
legs are getting humped.
Murder by arson! Murder by arson!

Ghosts that talk to me
almost close enough to touch
you see?

A pool full of lime jello,
girls that like girls
not fellows.

Warriors use psychic powers,
children soldiers,
Clones! Clones! Clones!


dare2dream28 01-02-2004 17:56

LMAO Parrish!!!!! I love your lyrics! I love how you incorporated all your fics into your little song! LOL Great stuff! :D :p

nasnedagoniat 01-02-2004 18:22

LOL@ dare2dream28, very, ummm.... creative.

I guess the song is different for everyone, but here's what I see(even though no one really cares :( )

Someone, maybe Lena is walking through a hospital with big windows.
The sun is shining brightly, maybe she is waiting news on someone who got into a horrible accident(or has a terminal illness). The people without faces are like doctors or other people in the hospital. She finds out that the person did not make it(died). She starts to scream. I don't know much about astrology, but when Mars is really bright maybe it means that it's a time of major change in one's life. They don't have time for us is not really literal, just a feeling of when other people go on and leave you behind, making you feel sad and lonely. The "us" is just Lena sharing that experience with you, which is very comforting to have someone else by your side.

The chorus is obvious.

Rain from the cars and the snow going up is actually time going backwards. Like when it's snowing and it warms up so it starts to rain instead. Everything is just going backwards. Someone's alone is probably referring to the person listening to the song. Sometime in the past that person was very lonely or still is. "I have no flaws" is a paradox, because everyone has something wrong with them. This is also comforting in a way. Line of a dream, like a line from a story. Clocks of the sky is just TIME, always moving and changing. And, the last line is over my head. But I can guess that wind is like a bad time and spring is a calm and beautiful time. Two lines is maybe just two people who can meet at anytime in life or live side by side forever.(Julia and Lena)

Maybe I'm totally wrong, but it doesn't matter to me anymore because everything is fine. Lena and Julia are here for me.

haku 01-02-2004 18:25


Originally posted by dare2dream28
Rain from the cars
Rain from the cars is b/c Y&L are shedding tears since we, the "cars" don't believe they are a couple.
I have another interpretation d2d. :D
I think by "rain", They meant "puddle" (They took the idea from here obviously). The true meaning would be "Puddle from the cars". It's because Y&L love to have sex in their limos and they puddle so much it drips from the cars.


Clocks of the sky
Ummm...their love will stand the test of time, they will be together *forever* and when the days comes, they will float up into heaven...together.
Here, i'm seeing a reference to Salvador Dali's surrealist work. An attempt to show us that dreams are a reflection of our longings or fears in life. This line has an obvious connection to Yulia's dream in Anatomy.

And LMAO @ your lyrics Parrish :D

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