View Full Version : Gay-O-Meter test

13-08-2004, 02:13
This test (http://www.channel4.co.uk/life/microsites/G/gayometer/gayometer.html) is to know if you are too gay, too straight, or just right. Please post your results. :D

My result:

haku is 56% gay!

Congratulations! You've scored right in the middle and are a happy and well adjusted hetero man!

If you say so. :p

13-08-2004, 02:22
kishkash is 33% gay

You're open-minded between the sheets but rarely show your dyke side when out on the streets
nice LOL :gigi:

Im in the too straight categoty :lol:

13-08-2004, 02:24
i am 23% gay!
how does a straight acting girl ever manage to get a date? anymore girlie and you'd have to be straight

should i be concerned lol

13-08-2004, 02:28
how does a straight acting girl ever manage to get a date? anymore girlie and you'd have to be straight

should i be concerned lol ...i thought u were gay...if so...:yes: there's every reason to be concerned :D

13-08-2004, 02:36
Queenie is 46% gay!

Congratulations! You've scored right in the middle and are a happy and well-adjusted hetero babe!

LOL. I'm a "babe" :laugh:

13-08-2004, 03:06
Kate is 16% gay.

You're a walking, talking girlie girl. Grab your designer hand bag and head for the hills. :rolleyes:

Just to make it clear, I'm 0% gay. :p

13-08-2004, 03:20
Greg is 26% Gay

Loosen Up Straight mate, these days women like a man with softer edges to grab onto...

:: umm :: i dunno why, but me being told to "loosen up" is a bit funny...

13-08-2004, 05:26
33% gay

those questions were just dumb :rolleyes:

13-08-2004, 06:08
You're a walking, talking girlie girl. Grab your designer hand bag and head for the hills. :rolleyes:

Just to make it clear, I'm 0% gay. :p

Both statements come as no surprise.

Daniel is 26% gay. Loosen up my straight mate! These days women like a man with some soft edges to grab onto.

Just about right, I'd say.

13-08-2004, 06:12
ypsidan04, and what you're trying to say is? :p

13-08-2004, 06:14
daniel you're higher than me lol i swear i would've been gayer than gay, gee whiz this test better be inaccurate. *checks* yeps me still likes da ladies

13-08-2004, 06:19
ypsidan04, and what you're trying to say is? :p

That I'm definitely not gay, but I'm not 0% gay either. :p
daniel you're higher than me lol i swear i would've been gayer than gay, gee whiz this test better be inaccurate. *checks* yeps me still likes da ladies

lol - whatever you say. :)

13-08-2004, 15:25
Im 46% gay :confused:
Kakey i thought u had said the gay o meter was gonna explode with me ;) well it didnt im not THAT gay :bebebe:

13-08-2004, 18:25
I got a score of 56% gay.

13-08-2004, 19:13
Ok, i did the test again saying my gender was female (a lot of questions are different) and i obtained the same exact result, lol. :D

amber is 56% gay!

Congratulations! You've scored right in the middle and are a happy and well adjusted lesbian babe!

If only. :p

13-08-2004, 19:36
I can't take this test - I got stuck on the second question.
They should have included a "Nobody wants to sleep with me" option.

13-08-2004, 22:10
"rosh is 43% gay

congratulations. youve scored right in the middle and are a happy and well adjusted lesbian babe."

not so sure about happy eh ... :rolleyes:

14-08-2004, 00:28
Ok, I took the test.
I'm 36% gay.
What the fuck is that about???? "Any more girlie and you'd have to be straight". What??????
This is conclusive proof that this test is a load of shite. How dare anyone call me "girlie"?! :mad:

14-08-2004, 00:58
30% here....

is that a good news or a bad news ? :ithink: :laugh:

...looks like a hint of a butch side sometimes popping out of my straight -laced girlie self :D

14-08-2004, 07:28
46% here, hi-hi. That must be a lot ... well, at least that means I'm on a right path. :p Good! :coctail:

14-08-2004, 07:56
Nath is 40% gay!
How does a straight acting girl ever manage to get a date?
....anymore girlie and you'd have to be straight.....--> GOOD!!!...so I don't have to do a new coming out to say to my mother that I'm....straight now..... :p

14-08-2004, 18:03
Chase is 26% gay!
You're open-minded between the sheets but rarely show your gay side when out on the streets!

Could that be any truer? :P

15-08-2004, 11:35
I was also 46% gay - this seems to be a suspiciously common score. I'm pleased with my result (I'm supposedly "open-minded between the sheets and out on the streets" ) but agree with spyretto and Mossopp that the questions were hardly incisive. I don't think anyone should be questioning their sexuality on the grounds of this test!

15-08-2004, 12:28
Too Straight!
Miguel is 36% gay
You're open-minded between the sheets but rarely show your gay side when out on the streets

:laugh: Ok...

The questions are pretty stupid indeed. "Do you give sex toys as presents?" - what does this have to do with being gay or not? :laugh: :blabla:

15-08-2004, 13:35
I just wanted to add that contrary to what some people think, this test is not about determining your sexual orientation. It asks you your sexual orientation at the very beginning, so it's not trying to determine it! All it does is determine where you fall between the stereotyped straight behavior and the stereotyped gay behavior, but it doesn't question your orientation. (If it did, it wouldn't say to someone like me who is 56% gay that he is a well-adjusted hetero, lol.)

The questions are pretty stupid indeed. "Do you give sex toys as presents?" - what does this have to do with being gay or not?
Well, a typical straight guy would *never* offer a sex toy to a friend, that's just something you don't do. If you're a straight male and would consider doing this, it means that you're more open-minded than the average straight guy. (Again, the test is not telling you that you're gay because of this, just that you're not following the typical straight male behavior, which is seen as a good thing by the test.)

15-08-2004, 17:10
Nikki is 73 % Gay :laugh:

What more can I say ? :D

15-08-2004, 17:31
Well, a typical straight guy would *never* offer a sex toy to a friend, that's just something you don't do. If you're a straight male and would consider doing this, it means that you're more open-minded than the average straight guy.

Hmmm really? I don't know. Well I wouldn't offer any dildos to anybody, I just think that's trashy :laugh: Not a gay behaviour, not a straight behaviour, not a lesbian behaviour, just tasteless

15-08-2004, 19:41
Well, a typical straight guy would *never* offer a sex toy to a friend, that's just something you don't do.
Two friends of mine gave a blow-up sheep to a friend turning 30. The sheep being in sex toy category. I guess that if they took the test they would have to answer "yes".
My family and I once gave my mothers sister a strawberry flavoured condom as a part of a song for her 45th birthday. My brother was the one to buy it. He had one of my aunts friends with him when they bought it. My brother never been more embarresed he says than when the guy with him yelled out loud in the store: "hey was the condoms supposed to be with strawberry flavour?"
Don't really know if condoms are in toy category though. But either way there could be a few situations that could make it the situation.

I remember having taken this test before in the thread with all the tests. It was quite some time ago though, and don't remember my score back then. So long story short:

"teeny is 46% gay"
You are very open-minded between the sheets and just as balanced when out on the streets

15-08-2004, 20:51
Luxxi is 30% gay

Loosen up my straight mate. These days women like a man with some softer edges to grab onto.

Well, I spent a lot of time developing my love handles. :laugh:


15-08-2004, 21:46
luxxi, :lol: :done: Good one!

16-08-2004, 02:37
46% Gay, You're very open minded between the sheets and just as balanced when out on the streets.


16-08-2004, 03:06
LOL.... :P
53% gay!!!!

Congratulations, you are on the middle and are a happy and well adjusted lesbian babe

18-08-2004, 01:43

You're very open-minded between the sheets and just as balanced when out on the streets!

18-08-2004, 22:39
96% straight. :D

19-08-2004, 20:33
Same as Luxxi 30% Gay.
Who else panicked when they first saw the get your results page and it went to 100%?

19-08-2004, 21:09
Who else panicked when they first saw the get your results page and it went to 100%?

Me. :lol:
By the way, I've got :hah:20%. :cool:
For those who are curious: I am not gay at all.

20-08-2004, 04:26
16% gay!
You're a walking, talking, red-blooded hetero guy. Just way too straight for these modern times mate!

I'm 0% gay, and don't call me mate! ;)

20-08-2004, 05:42
goku , how are you doing , mate ? :heh:

" runs "

20-08-2004, 08:14
Who else panicked when they first saw the get your results page and it went to 100%?

:flag: Yes, that was....... freaky :lalala:


23-08-2004, 06:11
goku , how are you doing , mate ? :heh:

" runs "
Pissed because of you now. Unless you're a women. :p