View Full Version : Yulia Savicheva

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05-10-2008, 23:29
can someone upload the real hq version of Ty Vernyosha? Thanks
i think what we have is currently the best there is. when a hq version comes into fruition it'll most likely be posted. just keep an eye out on the thread.

04-11-2008, 06:02
Yulia did a concert in Gorbunova that I don't think has been posted here. I'll post links...it's an amazing show. I love her new hair. :)

Believe Me Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lL8rYS5PKFM&feature=related)

Vysoko Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QfNIjzZFc2c&feature=related)

Poka Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ppxIzQqaPE&feature=related)

Kak Tvoi Dela? Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-F3nlRncttQ&feature=related)

Otpusti Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTTidcsgHwE&feature=related)

Dol'gaya Zima' Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0i7_27STfg&feature=related)

Esli V Serd'ce Zhivot' Lyubov' Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2K6tdlFRfkA&feature=related)

Nikak' Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nn6weGcYJoY&feature=related)

Pepel Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KPk-dMWD6s&feature=related)

Non Gorbunova Show

Polovinka Live (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qn5mKrYtww&feature=related)

Sean Jon
06-11-2008, 18:35
Does she have a new album coming out?

06-11-2008, 19:18
Does she have a new album coming out?
Would be a bit early. Her last album she released this February and she was quite busy with some other projects this year. For the channel STS she starred in a musical ('Vot takaya muzyka') and is currently involved in an ice-show, something people seem to enjoy in Russia, stars staggering around on ice. There seem to be plans for a concert tour too, so I'm not so sure if she can do studio work before autumn 2009.

06-11-2008, 23:19
I really enjoy the fact that she has stayed true to her Russian roots without doing any English music (with the exception of the Eurovision single). But I think it would be really nice to hear her do at least one track in English.

13-11-2008, 00:16
I have been looking for Yulia's Lyrics to all her albums for a long time and I have all the first album but after that, it gets harder to find all the rest of them. I am gonna post all the lyrics that I found of her's here, It's going to be in Cryllic and I will get the non Cryllic ones as soon as I can.

I was hoping people could fill in the one's I am missing so that we can find all the lyrics to her albums and stuff. If anyone needs any of her songs they can let me know, I own albums Visoko, Magnit, and Origami.


001. Высоко

Не забывай
Помни меня
Ты не один
Навсегда вдвоём

Не забывай
Пламя огня
Где мы с тобой
Греем себя

Я улечу в себе
Я улечу к тебе...

На небо за звездой
Тихий полёт
Это легко...

На небо за звездой
Тихий полёт
Это легко...

Не забывай
Сердце моё
Песни мои
Навсегда с тобой

Не забывай
Ночи без сна
Где мы с тобой
Я не одна

Я улечу в себе...
Я улечу к тебе...

На небо за звездой...
Тихий полёт...
Это легко...

На небо за звездой...
Тихий полёт...
Это легко...

Не забывай...
002. Корабли

Небо волнами, прямо под нами
Можно руками луну
Мокрые звёзды, с пальцев как слёзы
В чёрном бездомном тонуть
СОС по антенне, тоненькой вене
Ты чистотою лови.
Просто дотронься, пены не бойся
Рядом со мною плыви

Корабли, пропускай над собой
Смотри в облака
Корабли, пропускай над собой
Смотри в облака

(Падаем, падаем, падаем, падаем).

Сквозь наши шлюзы
Крылья медузы, тихо и плавно летят.
В девять попали, не устояли
Наши канаты звенят.
Стаи дельфинов, мокрые спины,
Мы отражаемся в них.
Но подорвали, мягко упали
Пульс незаметно затих.

003. Отпусти меня

Город одинокий спит
Он заданье знает, но молчит
О своем молчит
Руки протяни к нему
Свою душу покажи
Всерьез между звезд

Где ты
Где я
Отпусти меня
С кем ты
С кем я
Отпусти меня

Сколько нам еще лететь
Так красиво
Лучше замереть
И на мир смотреть
Гдето очень высоко
Там уносит так тебя
Столько лет
004. Стоп

Стоп, отойди, я не слушаю тебя
Снова все, как всегда
Стоп, пропусти, просто вышла из себя
Фразы в никуда,
Меньше громких слов, отмахнусь от них,
Молча улыбнусь я, вот ответ
Вечер мы одни и стираем дни
Где мы были вместе, честно, отпустили

Я знала, что мало, там правды,
но искала
Останься, не исчезай
Я жду, ты знай

Стоп, это все, что могла я из себя
Пусто так и темно
Стоп, ни на шаг,
дотянуться не хочу, и уже смешно
Столько громких слов, ненавижу их
Молча отвернусь я, вот ответ
Вечер, мы одни, и стираем дни,
Где мы были вместе, честно, отпустили
005. Прощай, моя любовь

Нужно ли, можно ли?
Были мысли сложными
Быстро так, чисто так
Бились наши жизни в такт
Птицами белыми
Я хранила сны твои
Фразами стройными...

Музыки сладкие
Были руки жаркие
Мягкими спицами
Путались ресницами
Влево ли, вправо ли
Жили мы по правилам
Умные, томные...

Прощай, моя любовь...

Каплями острыми
Небо дарит слёзы мне
Тонкие, ломкие
Камни светят звонкие
Надо ли, стоит ли
Так ломать что строили
Гордая, смелая...

Прощай, моя любовь...
006. Пока
Так трудно быть самой
Не так, как там
С тобой
Так трудно быть другой
Уйти за свой

Так хотелось встать
Коли не упаду
Так хотелось знать пути
Где я иду
От тебя на свет
Назад дороги нет

От меня до тебя
Небо река
Ты огонь
Я вода
Ток по рукам

Так трудно
Ждать тебя
Не так, как тех, других
Так трудно жить любя
Не выдав слез

По ступенькам вверх бежать
Ни шагу вниз
Постепенно смех да слез
Окно карниз
Руки на стекло
Да снова повезло
007. Всё для тебя

Подниму... глаза навстречу
Задавай...я не отвечу
Я промолчу
Я так хочу
Просто быть рядом с тобой

Всё для тебя
Я буду, я буду твоя...
Всё для тебя
Ты помни, ты помни меня...
Всё для тебя
Я буду, я буду твоя...
Всё для тебя
Ты помни, ты помни меня...

Запомню руки...
Поезда ..несут разлуки
С собой
Я за тобой
008. Бежать, летет

Не прячь мысли-провода
По ним мчится кто-куда
Вокруг чувства кислород
Вдохнул сделал лишний ход

И в темноте
Ходим по свету
Словно в тумане
Жизнь между строчек
Словно в программе
Не мне

Дышать, лететь
Течь через небо
Через море лет
Бежать, лететь
Бежать, лететь
Где мы вместе
Где нас двое есть
Бежать, лететь

О там, все на твой билет
И быть может где-то есть место
Но здесь сна и хода нет
И мы знает что ответ честный

Строим, ломаем
Не успеваем
В нужные двери
Жизнь в телеграмме
Не мне
009. Прости за любовь

Послушай,ты был прав.
Послушай,мне не больно.
И сердце без тебя
Стучит спокойно.
Послушай,я ушла.
Послушай то,что было.
И скажет тишина,
Что я любила.

Ты сердце моё
Прости за любовь-
Послушай меня,
Я просто любила...

Всё время без меня,
Всё время то,что лечит...
И на прощанье взгляд
Тебе на плечи.
Оставлю для тепла.
Оставлю след над крышей.
Сегодня я ушла,
А ты не слышал...
010. Я с тобой

Не говори слова
Там нет меня
Пустой старый вагон
Закат чужого дня

Не бойся
Не надо
Вместе устали
Я даже рада
Не бойся
Так надо
Не говори прощай
Дальше уходи
Знаешь не бойся я с тобой
Я с тобой

Закрой глаза рукой
Знаешь не бойся я с тобой
Я с тобой

Там на столе ключи
И не судить
Поставь стекла твоих оков
Смогли разбить
Не будет
Я знаю
Но отойди
Нас кто-то спасает

Не бойся
Так надо
Не говори прощай
Дальше уходи
Знаешь не бойся я с тобой
Я с тобой
Закрой глаза рукой
Знаешь не бойся я с тобой
Я с тобой
011. Believe Me

Believe me, I just don’t care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay…
Don’t believe me, I pray!

In my head – every day, everywhere – oh, no
You and I can talk, and I sound colder.
In my heart, though I say I don’t care,
I just cry and cry on your big shoulder.

Believe me, I just don’t care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay…
Don’t believe me, I pray!

Believe me, I just don’t care
If you look away or stare,
If you choose to go or stay…
Don’t believe me, I pray!

Far away, like the man in the moon, (my dear!)
You just wave to me, you are always lying.
Every face, every voice, every tune
Brings you back to me, and I start crying!


001. Привет

Магнит болит, не спит, мешает
Убить, забыть, не быть, не знаю
Тебя, тебя, тебя меняю

Уйди, замри, растай туманом
Пойми, нельзя, нельзя обманом
Хотеть, терпеть, реветь не надо
Да на-на-на-на-на

Привет, я даже не скучаю
Привет, тебя не замечаю
Магнит болит, да просто умираю

Тук-тук, тик-так, ты как, расскажешь
Ни друг, ни враг, всё тот, всё та же
В ответ сойду на нет и даже
Да на-на-на-на-на
002. Отпусти

Загадка не в платье загадка в теле
И кто ты, любовь, на самом деле ?
Глаза закрывали и летели
В небо синее

Но в небе однажды стало тесно
И больше тебе неинтересно
Возьми своё сердце так нечестно
Отпусти её

Отпусти её навстречу ветру
На четыре тысячи километров
Не держи тугие крылья, отпусти её
Отпусти её навстречу солнцу
И она взлетит и не сорвётся
Не жалей, не плачь, не бойся - отпусти её

Ты думал, она без тебя не дышит
Ты думал уже невозможно выше
Признайся, не знаешь как так вышло
Она сильная

Ты снова один - это несерьёзно
Холодные дни, ночные слёзы
Так хочется к ней, но теперь так поздно
Отпусти её

Отпусти её навстречу ветру
На четыре тысячи километров
Не держи тугие крылья, отпусти её
Отпусти её навстречу солнцу
И она взлетит и не сорвётся
Не жалей, не плачь, не бойся - отпусти её...
003. Если в сердце живет любовь

Проходят дни, пролетают года, высыхают океаны
А ты одна…
В твоей душе и глазах – эти слезы,
Эти раны

Но не смотри, не смотри ты по сторонам
Оставайся такой как есть, оставайся сама собой.
Целый мир освещают твои глаза
Если в сердце живет любовь

Не смотри, не смотри ты по сторонам
Оставайся такой как есть, оставайся сама собой.
Целый мир освещают твои глаза
Если в сердце живет любовь

Ты посмотрела все фильмы о любви
Но в жизни тоже много сказок
Не спеши, подожди, увидишь ты
Все будет, но не сразу …
004. Здравствуй, это я

Столько разных
Непохожих на тебя прохожих,
Непохожих в городе моем
3амигали светофоры жлетым,
Город замер перед сном

За углом спастись от ветра,
С ночи до рассвета
Караулить счастье,
Ждать ответа

Под ванильным небом,
Под лунным светом
По проспектам сегодня одна
Возвращаться знаю, плохая примета,
Накрест пальцы -
Здравствуй, это я!

Столько разных
Тихо падает на землю
В темных лужах,
Словно корабли
Я не знаю,
Может время обо мне забыло,
Выключая в городе огни
005. Лёгкие

more coming soon, I have to go to work, I will finish when I get back ^.^ If you have anymore lyrics just post them!

17-12-2008, 01:08
OK, something completely different here. Yulia is currently participating in Star Ice (known as Dancing on Ice in the UK. I don't know if it has versions in other countries). The idea is that an amateur is paired with a professional ice dancer and over time pairs are voted out by judges and the public.

So far, she has done 12 performances partnered with Jerome Blanchard except one with Gwendal Peizerat (no idea why).

She's rather good at this, and the performances are well worth watching, except one that nearly gets her voted off - I think she was saved by the phone vote. You also get live vocal performances from other Russian artists as well, although it is annoying when the director focusses on them rather than the dancing.

Still, see what you think - the youtube link has all the performances and the voting. Start at the bottom and work your way up.

http://uk.youtube.com/results?search_query=savicheva+star+ice+whitecrowa gain&search_sort=video_date_uploaded

17-12-2008, 11:27
I don't know if it has versions in other countries
Thank you very much Mulder fo the link.

Da, it exists in other countries: this is a very popular show in Russia: you can often see it the saturday evening on Channel 1 And I've seen it in Sweden too.

By the way, the level of the Swede Show is higher than the Russian one.

On the Russian show, the famous trainer Tatiana Tarassova is one of the Judges.

24-12-2008, 20:11
Oh, isn't that just typical :(

Yulia apparently did something to her back, and the doctor ruled she had to retire from the contest. So she had to sing (Prosti Za Lyubov) while Jerome Blanchard did a solo spot. While it's excellent to watch, it's not what anyone really wanted.

As far as I can gather Yulia could well have been the eventual winner and the judge certainly seemed to praising her. I think she was invited back to take part in the grand finale, although someone with a knowledge of Russain would have to confirm this - I'm just going on body language.

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=rLlufa6cGVo (the song and solo dance)

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=VNgRh3UUzjo (the judge's speech)

24-12-2008, 23:33
There seem to be plans for a concert tour tooOh, I wish I could be at her concert once again.

15-01-2009, 00:38
Can someone please upload any of these as you can to rapidshare in HQ?:
Vysoko (Direks Remix)
Veter (W/ Monokini)
Na Udachu (W/ Mummy Troll)
Proschai, Berlin (w/ Bi-2)
Power of Love (w/N. Baskov)
Na Tihoretskuyu (w/ Nogu svelo)
I will survive (w/ L. Dolina)
Dobroye Utra Planeta (w/ Mummy Troll)
Rivers of Babylon (with Boney M)
Believe Me (Second Version)
'Radio version' of Malo
Ty Vernyosha

Also, can someone transliterate and translate (or just translate if you want) her song Otpusti Menya? It is like one of my favs..

15-01-2009, 03:58
Can someone please upload any of these as you can to rapidshare in HQ?:
Vysoko (Direks Remix)
Veter (W/ Monokini)
Na Udachu (W/ Mummy Troll)
Proschai, Berlin (w/ Bi-2)
Power of Love (w/N. Baskov)
Na Tihoretskuyu (w/ Nogu svelo)
I will survive (w/ L. Dolina)
Dobroye Utra Planeta (w/ Mummy Troll)
Rivers of Babylon (with Boney M)
Believe Me (Second Version)
'Radio version' of Malo
Ty Vernyosha

Also, can someone transliterate and translate (or just translate if you want) her song Otpusti Menya? It is like one of my favs..

All you ever do is request everywhere... :blabla:

15-01-2009, 05:15
All you ever do is request everywhere... :blabla:

Because this is a forum for Russian music which is hard to come by unless you speak the language. You don't need to be rude about her request. If you don't have the files, then don't comment.

Thank you, Tim! :)

15-01-2009, 16:33
Because this is a forum for Russian music which is hard to come by unless you speak the language. You don't need to be rude about her request. If you don't have the files, then don't comment.

Argos: Thank you, Tim!
as much as i agree that not everyone speaks Russian... we do have a Russian Music Request thread. (http://forum.tatysite.net/showthread.php?t=5944)

It's offtopic to Yulia, but i do find it frustrating to see activity on these threads, hoping it's news or releases or even just discussion on these groups just to find it's someone requesting a myriad of mp3s when we have a specific forum for the exchange of music.

I'd love a hq version of ty vernoshya znayu as much as the next person, but i'll wait till i either find it myself or someone posts it of their own good will.

15-01-2009, 18:33
I'd love a hq version of ty vernoshya znayu as much as the next person, but i'll wait till i either find it myself or someone posts it of their own good will.
Somebody has a better quality audio file because the karaoke (http://www.karaoke.ru/catalog/song/9481) is available on the net.

17-01-2009, 00:24
It's offtopic to Yulia, but i do find it frustrating to see activity on these threads, hoping it's news or releases or even just discussion on these groups just to find it's someone requesting a myriad of mp3s when we have a specific forum for the exchange of music.
I understand and I'm sorry... :o

18-01-2009, 00:39
as much as i agree that not everyone speaks Russian... we do have a Russian Music Request thread. (http://forum.tatysite.net/showthread.php?t=5944)

It's offtopic to Yulia, but i do find it frustrating to see activity on these threads, hoping it's news or releases or even just discussion on these groups just to find it's someone requesting a myriad of mp3s when we have a specific forum for the exchange of music.

I am never in that thread. If I want music, I ask for it in a thread about the artist. It makes sense that people who visit that thread are fans and therefore, probably have the media I am looking for. It's really not that big of a deal.

06-03-2009, 22:23
I stumbled upon a CD called " Pervaya lyubov' " with songs from the musical "Vot takaya muzyka", in which Yuliya participated. Don't know whether it's genuine or 'piratique'. Not that I recommend it to anybody, but for people who collect...
Rapidshare (http://rapidshare.com/files/206050804/savicheva_2009.rar)
Megaupload (http://www.megaupload.com/?d=CLK30PMZ)

28-03-2009, 05:15
New Song "Gudbai Lyubov' (Goodbye Love)" http://ifolder.ru/11155143

28-03-2009, 10:17
Thanks thegurgi.

And for those of us who are not fans of the ifolders dance: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmiemg4mw5m

28-03-2009, 11:06
And for those of us who are not fans of the ifolders dance: http://www.mediafire.com/?nmiemg4mw5m
Mulder, you are so mean! You totally ruined my masochistic needs! :laugh:
Big thanks to Greg of course!
Great song, but with an annoying wood-chopper beat. :(

28-03-2009, 16:05
Mulder, you are so mean! You totally ruined my masochistic needs! :laugh:

Knowing your love affair with ifolders, I naturally banned you from downloading the mediafire version. (What do you mean it didn't work?) :p

Great song, but with an annoying wood-chopper beat. :(

Indeed, it gives me a headache :ill: Too much over-reliance on computerised drums and keyboards ruins what could be a really good song.

28-03-2009, 16:32
I can't figure out how to D/L the file on either web page... Can someone please just upload to sendspace or something similar???

Thanks for finding the song Greg! :D

28-03-2009, 16:44
I can't figure out how to D/L the file on either web page...
The mediafire link should work for you - just click on the "click here to start download (http://download48.mediafire.com/wbgwjbmjkgwg/nmiemg4mw5m/Yulia+Savicheva+-+Goodbye+Love.mp3)" in the square with the yellow borders.

edit: or just click here (http://www.sendspace.com/file/6kkx6q).

By the way, mulder, I once downloaded a complete DVD from ifolder, that's more than 40 files. If you are through that you want to do it again and again! :D

28-03-2009, 17:37
yer welcome all. sorry about the ifolder link, i found the song literally moments before passing out from the night and just couldn't find myself to put it in a more easily downloadable form, so thanks argos and mulder for the converts!

28-03-2009, 17:50
By the way, mulder, I once downloaded a complete DVD from ifolder, that's more than 40 files. If you are through that you want to do it again and again!

You really are a sucker for punishment aren't you :D

10-05-2009, 09:37
Sorry, no new music but a nice web page about Yulia Savicheva in English, with a bio, music, video and lyrics.


12-05-2009, 05:44
heres a bit info.

10-08-2009, 10:39
Esli v serdtse zhivet lyubov'(live album) (http://www.sendspace.com/file/heaqva) at Sendspace.

Jajajaja. Now I understand. :D Thanks you Argos.

21-08-2009, 06:51
does anyone have the lyrics to origami...i can't find them anywhere

29-12-2009, 10:15
Is dees bitch putting anything new out soon? I miss her.

13-01-2010, 15:40

Is this a new song? It sounds new? and her look is new? Although it looks like she is from the 80's or something but it still looks new? is this girl going back on herself?

13-01-2010, 18:09

Is this a new song? It sounds new?
Depends how you define new. I have the song on my compy since March 2009, when rotation began. But it had a 'Sleeping Beauty' life until September. During that time it was practically not played. Since then it got a good airplay, peaked in November (No. 8 in Russia, No. 5 in Moscow) and is still aired frequently. The track info (http://www.tophit.ru/cgi-bin/trackinfo.cgi?id=17420) on tophit.ru.

... and her look is new? Although it looks like she is from the 80's or something but it still looks new?
Style was never her style! :D Still better than this (http://www.shoq.ru/pictures/0001/1904/img_1129895005.jpg). :rolleyes:

13-01-2010, 18:51
Would you mind uploading it Argos? I rely on you to update me with good Russian music!

13-01-2010, 19:28
Would you mind uploading it Argos? I rely on you to update me with good Russian music!
Just saw that everything is there a page back. :)

The sendspace-link (http://www.sendspace.com/file/6kkx6q).
Mulder's mediafire-link (http://www.mediafire.com/?nmiemg4mw5m)
and if you want to suffer, Greg's original ifolder-link (http://ifolder.ru/11155143)

15-01-2010, 23:17
Can someone upload her 3 studio albums to Sendspace for me? I got a new Harddrive and I seem to have lost the files. The Rapidshare links on page 37 aren't working for me either. Thanks!

16-01-2010, 13:10
Can someone upload her 3 studio albums to Sendspace for me?
Vysoko (http://www.sendspace.com/file/3niapu) 256 kbps CBR
Magnit (http://www.sendspace.com/file/gzadqo) ~245 kbps VBR (new rip)
Origami (http://www.sendspace.com/file/dftj8g) 320 kbps CBR

16-01-2010, 14:01
Argos do you go on her website the fourm? If you do can you tell me Whats the lastest news thats been happening with yulia please? I can not read russian only a few words.

16-01-2010, 18:35
Argos do you go on her website the fourm? If you do can you tell me Whats the lastest news thats been happening with yulia please?
I visit rarely, her site isn't informative at all. Well, a big thank you to you for your request. I learned there that she will participate tomorrow on the 50 years anniversary show of/for Natal'ya Bestem'yanova, my all-time favourite figure skater. Gonna cap it for sure.

About Yuliya: Nothing is happening currently. We can't expect a new album for the next time, the whole CD market in Russia is almost dead, her label won't release anything new in the near future. She is waiting for more than a half year for a tour schedule of her tour promoters, but they won't risk anything in the middle of the crisis and she has to wait as most other stars in Russia. During 2009 she kept herself busy with the participation on two shows ('Ice Period' and 'Dancing With Stars') and tried herself as actress in the musical 'First Love', obviously very successfully.

17-01-2010, 04:48
Thank you Argos for Info :D

I guess you will upload the video to youtube?

17-01-2010, 23:41
Argos, thanks so much! :D

19-01-2010, 21:30
I guess you will upload the video to youtube?
Yuliya Savicheva - Esli v serdtse zhivyot lyubov' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhZO6W-JgZQ)

20-01-2010, 12:55
Thank you Argos for the link :D Lovely song . Yulia is Looking so beautiful the long hair suits her ;)

31-01-2010, 21:35
Just seen Yuliya like this! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amTBt-HWHyM) - 'Privet' at this weekend's 'Golden Barrel Organ 2009' on Ukrainian channel 'Inter'.

02-02-2010, 03:02
I love Goodbye, любовь. I was listening to it all of the second half of 2009 - has been on my playlist for gym workouts!

Yulia's performance at Pesna Goda was really good, and she's starting to look more mature and grown up. I wish she'd release another album already!

08-02-2010, 23:09
A weeks before I found a new song of Yulia Savicheva in her forum, well first time in my life that I heard it :D so I would like to request the lyrics and the translation, I like that song too much. (I would like to request some information about that song, is really new?

Julia Savicheva - "Natasha"

Thanks in advance

10-02-2010, 20:45
A weeks before I found a new song of Yulia Savicheva in her forum, well first time in my life that I heard it :D so I would like to request the lyrics and the translation, I like that song too much. (I would like to request some information about that song, is really new?

Julia Savicheva - "Natasha"

Ночь, а на улице сияют фонари
Улыбаются сегодня мне они
Вместе с ними улыбается луна
Значит я сегодня буду не одна.

Night, but on the streets lamps shine
They smile at me today
Together with them the moon smiles
So I won't be alone today.

Они знают что я по уши в любви
Они видят, я как кошка у окна
Жду, когда-же наконец он позвонит
Проверяю телефон сто раз подряд.

They know that I'm head over heals in love
They see that I'm like a cat at the window
I wait , that some time he finally will call
I check the phone 100 times in a row.

Только он сейчас далеко
Ему без меня так легко.

Only 'cause he is far away now
It's so easy for him without me.

А про таких, как он снимают фильмы
Пишут остросюжетные романы
Он очень добрый, умный, смелый, сильный
Как-будто бы сошёл с киноэкрана.

But about that, how he makes movies
Writes suspense novels
He is very kind, intelligent, brave and strong
As if he would walk down the cinema screen.

А про таких, как я - никто не знает
Пройду в толпе, он не заметит даже
Но всё-таки ему я отправляю:
"Я всё ещё люблю тебя, Наташа!"

But about that, how I am - nobody knows
I walk in the crowd, he doesn't even notice
But nevertheless I mail him:
"I always love you more, Natasha!"

Сон разбивается как волны об утёс
А во сне он мне стелил постель из роз
А во сне он целовал меня одну
И по радио кричал на всю страну.

The dream breaks like waves against the cliffs
But in the dream he made a bed of roses for me
In the dream he kissed only me
And he screamed on the radio to the whole country.

Как Наташу любит сильно, всей душой
Как он хочет быть лишь только с ней одной
Даже ночью на асфальте написал
И два сердца со стрелой нарисовал.

How strongly he loves Natasha, whole-heartedly
How he wants to be only with her alone
Even at night he wrote on the asphalt
And two hearts with arrows he painted

Только он сейчас далеко
Ему без меня так легко.

Only 'cause he is far away now
It's so easy for him without me.


As far as I know the song is public since August last year and it was supposed by the fans to be the next single after "Good-bye, Lyubov" which pretty much flopped at that time - half a year on rotation, but very rarely played. But suddenly in September "Good-bye, lyubov" became a hit and of course it made no sense to launch another single. Right now it's disappearing from the charts. Maybe now "Natasha" will have a chance.

10-02-2010, 23:25
Oh,it's much better than Goodbye Lyubov.One of the best from Yulia,indeed.

11-02-2010, 05:14
but even if she release the song, basicalle this year is a lost year for her? in terms of touring and promotion

24-02-2010, 19:40
does anyone has the lyrics to the ORIGAMI album? =)

24-02-2010, 20:56
does anyone has the lyrics to the ORIGAMI album? =)
On this page (http://www.gl5.ru/savicheva_julya.php). Click on the titles in the middle of the page and you are linked to the individual songtexts!

25-02-2010, 00:40
On this page (http://www.gl5.ru/savicheva_julya.php). Click on the titles in the middle of the page and you are linked to the individual songtexts!

OMG! thank you SOOO much Argos!!! =)
i've been lookin for this long time ago! :p

19-06-2010, 12:09
New Yulia!!!!!


19-06-2010, 13:19
New Yulia to download :D


It appears to be called "Moscow - Vladivostok", or maybe "Moscow to Vladivostok".

Lyrics by Maxim Fadeyev, Music by Maxim Fadeyev and Olya Seryabkina (if I've understood Babelfish correctly).

19-06-2010, 19:54
Lyrics by Maxim Fadeyev, Music by Maxim Fadeyev and Olya Seryabkina (if I've understood Babelfish correctly).
Lyrics by Max and Olya, music by the Master himself (alone).
The Serebro girl has indeed become an important songtext writer in Fadeev's team. She's getting famous! :flag:

20-06-2010, 00:35
New Yulia to download :D


It appears to be called "Moscow - Vladivostok", or maybe "Moscow to Vladivostok".

Lyrics by Maxim Fadeyev, Music by Maxim Fadeyev and Olya Seryabkina (if I've understood Babelfish correctly).

Cheers Mulder :coctail:

20-06-2010, 11:54
Ahhhhh. How I fucking LOVE this woman to the end of the earth. I could listen to Yulia Savicheva until I die. The song really reminds me of Tikhaet by Monokini actually. A great listen. Any word of a new album?

20-06-2010, 14:22
Thanks mulder :D I love this song so much. :D I love this russian style that i miss with tatu.

20-06-2010, 15:43
Any word of a new album?
I have a statement of an interview about two weeks ago, not very encouraging:
We are not going to hunt for quantities of songs. Currently our main goal is to concentrate on the release of radio-singles with quality, an album however will be later.
Translated into simple language: there are no album plans. The music market in Russia is totally ruined, nobody expects an album release without huge losses. At the moment you get almost no new pop releases.

21-06-2010, 04:01
maybe next year she might put out a album.

21-06-2010, 08:52
Oh so sad. But, as long as I have new music in general - I will survive. In my opinion, this is what the Russian music market needs. Time for some real talent to emerge - not saying that Savicheva and like musicians are not - but, a collapse of major label industry can result in a surge in good indie music as well.

27-11-2010, 07:11
Well! I normally get my Savicheva news here, but my recent finding was a complete accident, just from browsing around on YouTube.

New video for "Moscow To Vladivostok" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvWg-AU1HnY&feature=channel)

And something else I came upon is a new video for a Russian rap group that samples "Korabli" - although I do think the vocals have been re-recorded by Savicheva. Either that or just stripped down from the originals. She is featured in the video as well. I don't care much for the other group, but Savicheva's work on this sounds great. She seems to have finally grown into her looks, she is absolutely beautiful in this video.

Korabli (New Video) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agcSpZQoIys&feature=channel)

Also, Goodbye, Lyubov and Ti Vernyoshsya, znayu are available for purchase on U.S. iTunes.

28-11-2010, 18:24
Well! I normally get my Savicheva news here, but my recent finding was a complete accident, just from browsing around on YouTube.

New video for "Moscow To Vladivostok" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvWg-AU1HnY&feature=channel)

And something else I came upon is a new video for a Russian rap group that samples "Korabli" - although I do think the vocals have been re-recorded by Savicheva. Either that or just stripped down from the originals. She is featured in the video as well. I don't care much for the other group, but Savicheva's work on this sounds great. She seems to have finally grown into her looks, she is absolutely beautiful in this video.

Korabli (New Video) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agcSpZQoIys&feature=channel)

Also, Goodbye, Lyubov and Ti Vernyoshsya, znayu are available for purchase on U.S. iTunes.

I love it how they have used this rap with her. and i think it is the same vocals just been stripped down again. obviously she didnt have much to do in this video. there music have been some deal where they wanted to use her music so her record company or her said only if im in it or something. has to be,

02-12-2010, 16:27
I did a little more creeping into Yulia and found even more goodies!

New Song

Chto Takoye Lyubov (http://www.fan.savicheva.ru/ARHIV/raznoe/Chto_takoe_ljubov.mp3)

While it's definitely not her first album, I really like the musical direction Yulia has been in recently. It really does reminds me of a softened version of Vysoko, obviously a little more produced however. But both Chto Takoye Lyubov and Moscow - Vladivostok are winners with me.

03-12-2010, 14:44
I really like the musical direction Yulia has been in recently. It really does reminds me of a softened version of Vysoko, obviously a little more produced however. But both Chto Takoye Lyubov and Moscow - Vladivostok are winners with me.
After a few years under the wings of Maksimova, Maks Fadeev obviously cares again personally for her now, which clearly shows in the newest compositions. He wrote the music, and he and (of course) the Serebro-girl Ol'ga Seryabkina wrote the lyrics. After "Moskva-Vladivostok", one of her best hits on radio, this one seems promising too. The times of agonizing in the midfield of the charts seem to be gone.

03-12-2010, 16:26
I like Moskva-Vladivostok, but I like this more.

16-12-2010, 18:46
Does anybody know where can I download Yulia's albums?? Thankkkss

17-12-2010, 19:20
Does anybody know where can I download Yulia's albums?? Thankkkss
Look here (http://forum.tatysite.net/showpost.php?p=391787&postcount=787)!

18-12-2010, 13:09
Thank you for these links argos !

09-02-2011, 21:59
Finally the video for Skazhi mne, chto takoe lyubov' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxIx9gTde_o) is released.

09-02-2011, 22:16
Finally the video for Skazhi mne, chto takoe lyubov' (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxIx9gTde_o) is released.


I always get excited seeing your name under this thread. It means news or at least something else interesting! She's looked absolutely beautiful this past year. I'm happy that despite the downturn in the record industry, Yulia's still managing to keep a decent amount of work going, if less frequently than before. Her newest music is great work, and I'm glad to see her doing some dancing in this newest video!

09-02-2011, 22:55
A nice video but dancing is not Yulia's thing, as we first know by her awful Eurovision performance.

20-03-2011, 18:26
A new co-production with a rapper band, this time with Geegun. The song's name is Otpusti (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xc3e_7qEAuA). Not so much my case those babblings, but hey, it's Yuliya there, and that makes it ok. :D

26-04-2011, 15:36
I just listened to a song of her, called Lyubov-Moskva. I think it's amazing!!

15-06-2011, 02:42
"Отпусти" - New Song? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yMM82SH5Mw)

What's up with Savicheva? Evidently she's just been doing some random shows around Russia from what I can tell?

Hopefully she releases something new soon. I really do miss enjoying new Savicheva periodically.

More concert footage can be found on the right hand drop-down list. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5iwd3J-9rk)

15-06-2011, 17:28
"Отпусти" - New Song? (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yMM82SH5Mw)
It's on rotation since beginning of March, originally a duet with Jeegun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xc3e_7qEAuA), which I didn't really appreciate. She produced obviously a solo version of it. By the way, I touched on it three posts above.

Don't know if you already watched this, but Maks Fadeev recently released his old Linda-videos in decent quality. So it's appropriate to watch Yuliya on her first steps in music business together with a then just rising star Linda in 1994 - Sdelaj tak (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ6aVNA9Ipw) (especially for all who deny Yuliya's dancing talents :bebebe: ).

Not a video but here you hear (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e5Xh_9o8KaE) Linda's back-vocalist Yuliya in 2005, who isn't just a back-vocal at all in this track. Tim may be bored by the never ending intro and interludes :heh: Early Linda's most beautiful song.

13-08-2011, 20:40
Юлия Савичева - Сердцебиение

Is this new? Yet another cool song from Yulia.

13-08-2011, 21:20
Юлия Савичева - Сердцебиение

Is this new? Yet another cool song from Yulia.
Yes, it went on radio rotation a few days ago (Aug. 09).

05-12-2011, 12:37
Finally the video for Serdtsebienie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPs9DNmet4s). As expected, music from Fadeev and the lyrics are again from Maks together with the Serebro-girl Olga.

06-12-2011, 17:55
Finally the video for Serdtsebienie (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPs9DNmet4s). As expected, music from Fadeev and the lyrics are again from Maks together with the Serebro-girl Olga.

Didn't the song already fail in the charts? Is that why they changed it from the original so much?

06-12-2011, 18:19
Didn't the song already fail in the charts?
Failing is relative. While in the radio chart it never got in the top 50, the audience choice showed very different results. It was 4 weeks no.1 and a total of 10 weeks in the top 3 positions. They didn't pay enough for rotation, they didn't get airplay. The audience choice rate for the last 3 hits was around 1:70, Serdtsebiene was about 1:20, clear case!

10-03-2012, 20:38
Yuliya (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBkahSjrihg).

16-03-2012, 20:11
she's singing about herself?

06-01-2013, 21:30
I almost forgot - Yuliya has released an album (2 months ago - sorry!)
Serdcebienie (http://www.sendspace.com/pro/dl/wl3id2) - 320 kbps and about 152 MB.

07-01-2013, 09:00
Thanks Argos! I was just looking for this.

09-01-2013, 00:31
I really like "Я с тобой" and the previously released tracks. The rest of the tracks are pretty so, so I think. "Привет, любовь моя" wasn't bad either. This new electronic/dance sound fits her voice I think, but I personally miss some of the acoustic/digital synthesis of "Высоко". Overall, not a step in the wrong direction though. A decent release.