View Full Version : Which day of the week were you born on?

25-09-2003, 08:31
Remember the popular nursery rhyme?

Monday's child is fair of face
Tuesday's child is full of grace
Wednesday's child is full of woe
Thursday's child has far to go
Friday's child is loving and giving
Saturday's child works hard for it's living
But, the child that is born on the Sabbath day is happy and blithe and good and gay.

So what day were you born on? Get the day! (http://www.school-resources.co.uk/what_day_of_the_week_were_you_bo.htm)

***Tuesday is here*** :flag:

25-09-2003, 08:42
Saturday here!

25-09-2003, 08:49
Wednesday. F***! Ooops! Language! I always go bad in these type of things.

Devilish Yulia
25-09-2003, 09:48
me born on a Friday!

and im proud of it! :D

25-09-2003, 10:20
Saturday! but I don't work too hard. In fact I've been rather lazy lately :dknow: O_o

25-09-2003, 13:14
OI...its a good thing that i don't believe these things, 'cause i think i was born on a Wed. LOL

25-09-2003, 13:23
Thursday!! - child has far to go!

hmmm ..no wonder ..

25-09-2003, 13:50
Sunday! half of my best friends were born on sunday..*shrugs*

25-09-2003, 13:57
Saturday... Works hard?...thats irony if I do say so myself :D

25-09-2003, 16:43
:flag: another Saturday here ! :10x:

25-09-2003, 17:54
denial, we share the day... I have far to go ^_^

25-09-2003, 17:58
Made on Monday = seconds stuff... :D

raven ryuu
25-09-2003, 18:45
I'm a Sunday. But I thought I was born on a Wednesday -- cause that sounds a bit more like me :bum: Hmm....I must check with my baby album... :p

25-09-2003, 18:58
Friday. Loving and giving. Friday I'm in love LOL.

25-09-2003, 19:13
*Tuesday's child is full of grace*.....

Copycat! I thought I was a sort of exclusive Tuesday's kid here. Boooo ...

25-09-2003, 20:07
DAMN! Am i the only one in the Woe club?

If im gonna be woe'y i wanna be woe'y wit someone *cries and is full of woe*

WOE IS ME! <-- if you say that word enough times, you realize what a funny word woe wewe is!

25-09-2003, 23:21
Tuesday! :D

Whoa, that is *sooo* not me!

25-09-2003, 23:33
LOL, thursday... far to go? Amazing since i haven't been moving at all for years. :D

Well, i could have been born on wednesday, my mother has always told me that it took me like 8 hours to get out or something... :rolleyes:

25-09-2003, 23:53
thursday,far to go :confused:

26-09-2003, 01:08
wednesday! Full of WOE???? Hump!!!

26-09-2003, 02:03
wednesday here ! *hugging uhaku, kish and yulia volkova*
full of woekowa ! yes i am :D

26-09-2003, 02:50
Sunday here
"happy and blithe and good and gay" funny :P

26-09-2003, 02:59

oh yeah, it was a Thursday and oh yes I have so far to go...but tired already

oops, Thursday is very popular, we're all lazy bums here ;)

26-09-2003, 14:51
i was born in a different time zone than the one i am in now, so .... my birthday is a 13th, but here it is a 14th. so i'm either a thursday or weds. Lol.

26-09-2003, 19:32
Tuesday? Yeah, I'm about as graceful as a drunk sailor on crack.


26-09-2003, 20:49
But but.. I'm not gay.. :P
Nah, actually, I was born on Monday. :ithink:

26-09-2003, 22:40
Another Wednesday child here.

The funny thing is I hate wednesdays because it's the middle of the week and I'm at school until 9:00pm. :bebebe: oh well there's only about 150 days left until graduation :coctail:

28-09-2003, 03:57
i was born in a different time zone than the one i am in now, so .... my birthday is a 13th, but here it is a 14th. so i'm either a thursday or weds. Lol.

Best excuse I read in a long time ;)

28-09-2003, 05:09
Monday ;)

28-09-2003, 05:45

Yep, that seems more or less accurate. Overworked, underpaid.

Me want $$$. :D

// Loki

Devilish Yulia
28-09-2003, 06:19
:( *sniff* *sniff* is it just me or am i the only friday baby round here!...:(.....im a loner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*sniff* *sniff*

28-09-2003, 11:55
I was born on a Monday.
Man, that's cruel irony! :none:

28-09-2003, 15:15
Another Thursday child here.

Miles to go before we sleep, eh?

And Echoed? Graceful as a drunk sailor on crack? :D
