View Full Version : Bad Things

08-06-2003, 05:51
I'm SO INCEDIBLEY BORED so i decided to ask you's all:

*what the WORST things thats ever happened to you?*

I'm sooooo sick right now. Its drained all the energy from me and I just collapsed on the key board about 5 mins ago. I hit my head. Now I'm sick with a headache. lol
I should probably go to bed, huh?

OH! And looky what i found:

http://images.snapfish.com/3378276%3B23232%7Ffp3%3B%3Dot%3E2328%3D%3A4%3C%3D% 3B37%3Dxroqdf%3E23233%3A48%3A4345ot1lsi

A packet o ciggies i see in Yuli's hand there.

08-06-2003, 06:13
ouch! better not think too hard then :S

once i fell down my friend's stair case ( I was a bit 'happy') and didnt feel a thing but ended up having to get a few stiches on the side of my head. O_o

hmm worst thing, hmm probably getting a popsicle stick lodged in the corner of my eye.... that was PAINFUL!!! no damage though, just loooots of blood :S it was back in elementary school and in front of EVERYONE, I ran smack dab into a pole on the end of a fence while holding a popsicle stick and running from a huge bee lol... moral of the story, dont run from bees :p

09-06-2003, 00:27
worst thing that has ever happened to me?
Hm, honestly spoken my last gf. Horrible, the whole story from beginning to end.

09-06-2003, 01:06
I'll try that link thing again.

http://images.snapfish.com/3378276%3B23232%7Ffp3%3B%3Dot%3E2328%3D%3A4%3C%3D% 3B37%3Dxroqdf%3E23233%3A48%3A4345ot1lsi

Onewinged. . . .OUCH! How can a popsickle stick get lodged in your eye? lol

The worst thing thats happened to me (that i can remember) would be when i got some disease that shut down my immune system (and its not AIDS lol). But i'm good now

12-06-2003, 07:00
I take back that disease thing I had as being the WORST thing thats ever happened to me. It can be the second.
The NUMBER ONE WORST thing thats ever happened to me would be what happened today where I went off at someone who didn't even do whatever i was going off at him for.
Then their friend stepped in and said that i was something like a lesbian goat with AIDS. Then I went off at him and then i was told that the guy that i was abusing first off had nothing to do with it. So we were all confused. But the guy that called me a gay goat or whatever now HATES me and says somethin whenever i walk past him.
I hate to say it, but they're are some people who i just wish would die. Its not a nice thing to wish, i know, but i can't help it. DIE, DAMN YOU, DIE!!