View Full Version : In a Box

16-03-2003, 06:55
DISCLAIMER: This is not actually my mood. Lol. Just testing out the waters. ^_~

There's lots of sadness in me.
It's all those things you don't see.
What? Am I not good enough?
Am I too good to be tough?

It's the same thing every week.
It's just too much to be weak.
Just put on a smile, darling.
They won't notice you falling.

And I won't reach for your hand.
My eyes, you know, are too bland.
And I won't look for your arms.
I have my own little charms.

Tu ne comprendras jamais.
Je suis seule dйsormais.
Ce n'est pas trop difficile
De s'effondrer sur mon оle.

Je ne sais comment quitter.
Je ne sais comment rester.
Ce n'est que de la tristesse.
Je suis une forteresse.

Alors, laissez-moi dormir,
Et laissez-moi dйcouvrir
Tous mes petits dйfauts noirs,
Toutes mes larmes, ce soir.

Je nais donc plus rien а perdre.
I have nothing more to lose.

In a box
Under locks
Hides a smile
Hides denial

I'm flying
I'm lying
I'm crying
I'm dying

Oh well. Tomorrow's another day.

There's only so much humiliation I can take.


16-03-2003, 07:31
that was good, I liked it.

16-03-2003, 08:14
I HOPE that's not your mood! :grustno: I really liked how the French weaves into the story and continues the same feel, especially "Je ne sais comment quitter. / Je ne sais comment rester." Very sad story but very well written. On a lighter note, I knew you couldn't leave your iambic pentameter prose for long :D

Bottom line, excellent work!

16-03-2003, 14:23
Great piece of work, as always :D

And you don't seem to understand
A shame you seemed an honest man
And all the fears you hold so dear
Will turn to whisper in your ear
And you know what they say might hurt you
And you know that it means so much
And you don't even feel a thing

I just wanted to find one thing that was mine and leave this behind.
But i cannot find my way to get far away and bury these days.


(These lyrics are copyrighted, or something. Lol.)

16-03-2003, 16:59
Echoed, The English part floats well. Thanks!
Damn! I don't understand a word in French.