View Full Version : Русский трудный

21-02-2003, 03:09
Я наличие великий затруднение учение ρусский.
Ya nalichie velikiy zatrudnenie uchenie Russkiy.

Is any of that correct? I selected the first Russian forum then I had 3 to choose. The first one was something like "Fleym" (Flame?). I got "Muzyka i kino" for the second one so I'm guessing it has to do with music. The third I got (are ya ready for this) "O lichnom", but I looked that one and got something close to Personal. I guess transliterating is only good to speak it, but there are so many vocab words that are difficult to understand. Are there cyrillic keyboards?

21-02-2003, 05:21
"Ya nalichie velikiy zatrudnenie uchenie Russkiy"

Very good, accept for I don't really get what u're tryin' to say.

21-02-2003, 05:37
Whoops, I forgot to ask if anyone had any tips on how to begin Russian. Also, I read one place that й meant "j", and then like twenty others saying it's "y". I thought ы was "y"! Which is which?

21-02-2003, 07:29
How to learn it? Get a Russian friend. Dats how u learn it.

Web GoddesS
21-02-2003, 09:11
а чо ты хотел-то!Учи!

21-02-2003, 10:52
Русский вообще очень трудный язык. Учите, учите :D

21-02-2003, 14:30
FadingAway, Russian "й" is pronounced something like English sound, not letter [j] or sometimes [i] And as for "ы", it has no analogues in English and it's hardly possible to say that it's pronounced as a sound [i]
In spelling Russian letter "й" can stands for English letter "y" or "i". For example, Russian word "мой" ---> "moy" or "moi", but it should be pronounced as [moi] - something like in English word "boy". But if we consider Russion word "йод" ---> "yod" and it will be pronounced like [jod] - [j] is the same as in the word "yellow".

21-02-2003, 19:00
Y+L=t.A.T.u., I have NO CLUE what you said! LOL! Did anyone see that interview with t.A.T.u. (basically Lena) who answered in English and said they love that they can tell people to fuck off in Russian and people have no clue? Hehe! That's why I love them, LOL j/k! Иллюзия (Illyuziya =Illusion?), I think it's very difficult too. Thanks for the confidence boost j/k! Hare, thank you very much. I just worry about declining the damn pronouns for every case and the 8-7-5 spelling rule... anyway, thank you!

21-02-2003, 19:28
FadingAway, Иллюзия (Illyuziya =Illusion?
Yes, you are right! :)

21-02-2003, 19:40
YAY! Alright! Now if someone ever said that... I would have no clue. I can't wait till I can actually understand what someone is saying in Russian. Back to the books :) Thanks Hare!!

21-02-2003, 19:52
FadingAway, удачи! :) I hope you will understand what I've written. :)

21-02-2003, 20:33
самые трудные языки эт русский и украинский... а самый простой английский %)
русский можна сказать я выучила сдесь %)

21-02-2003, 21:12
Зато я не понимаю почти ничего из того, что пишет FadingAway. Ха-ха-ха. Может английский и самый простой, но я не могу его выучить в принципе. 9 лет учила - как была полный ноль, так и осталась. Хоть головой об стенку бейся.

Web GoddesS
21-02-2003, 22:00
слухай!Ты no clue,что я сказала,а я no clue,что ты.Мы квиты.

21-02-2003, 22:08
Кто-нибудь, скажите что означает no clue? Просто инетресно.

21-02-2003, 22:10
Иллюзия, нет... в анг. главное запомнить правила... а вот немецкий эт отстой! %)

21-02-2003, 22:13
FadingAway, it's better to learn it here ,on Russian forum :D Great place!:done:

Good luck :)

Иллюзия, "no clue" - "ума не приложу,понятия не имею".

21-02-2003, 22:18
FadingAway, russian is the most difficult i think....a lot of rules, sounds, alfabet is also bigger! first you should buy a dictionary than you should have a friend as allredy told you, because he or she could teach you how to pronaunce :)
good luck...

21-02-2003, 22:23
ILuv, спасибо. А то в словарь лезть лень :)

21-02-2003, 22:28
Иллюзия, это идиоматическое выражение "I have no clue" (во загнула :)) Вряд ли ты его найдёшь в обычном словаре.

21-02-2003, 22:34
блин... мне эти все выражения... прям не могу... у меня учила так ими грузит... я ваще ничё не помню... хорошо, что записеваем иногда и то %)
зато разговорную речь знаешь...

21-02-2003, 23:09
I made a Russian friend in Latin I named Boris a few years ago. Unfortunately I haven't had any classes with him since. We were good friends, don't know why I haven't talked to him lately. I shall talk to him on понедельник (Monday, yes?) Pronounciation is something I really take seriously, so this should be interesting. Are there many people that stay in Russia? Basically, I was saying on the English board that when I'm like 25 and go over to Russia, will all the kids my age now be leaving Russia?

22-02-2003, 20:57
FadingAway, Russian spelling is very simple- what you see is what you say, unlike in English. You confusion here is out of the fact that Russian alphabet is bigger then Latin (33 letters versus 27) and some letters do not have exact analog- therefore people use them differently in different situations.Hare explaind it pretty well.

Y+L=t.A.T.u. said:
а чо ты хотел-то!Учи!

which means:
Just what did you expect(?)! Learn it!

If you need any help- feel free to ask me, I'll be glad to do what I can.

22-02-2003, 21:13
There are no definate and indefinate articles in Russian right? No "the" or "a", and the particle "is" doesn't either? Wouldn't "is" be just the present indicative (least in latin) of the verb "to be". That verb has to exist doesn't it? Is there any word order rules to Russian?

22-02-2003, 21:37
No paricular word order rules: meaning is directed by the forms and cases of words rather then their order- you can change order and still keep the same meaning .
No articles, definate or indefinate- however you are absolutely right about the use of particle "IS" - We do not use it as particle (i.e. we do not say "he IS" or "she IS" ) but it can be used in a present indicative of the verb "to be" as in "Это ЕСТЬ"- "This IS".

You seem to know it all pretty well though, what is the question here?

Web GoddesS
22-02-2003, 22:18
почему-бы тебе не воспользоваться переводом текстов...
Тогда ты будешь все understend'ить:


Там существуют переводы как русского,так и английского,испанского,фра нцузского немецкого языков.

P.S.:народ,кому не в лом,переведите что я сказала...у меня с ангийским не лады.

23-02-2003, 01:33
ОК,Y+L=t.A.T.u., is аsking to translate the following:

FadingAway, why don't you just use the (on-line)translation...
Then you will "understand" everything:


There are translations from/to russian as well as english, spanish, french and german.

Then she ask for someone to translate it to you.:)

23-02-2003, 02:07
LOL! Thank you Y+L=t.A.T.u. and Jan :) That's very nice of you to help out =)